February New Moon
Your astrology update to better understand and work with the energy of our February New Moon in Pisces.
January New Moon
January 2025’s New Moon energy update & ritual guidance.
Cancer Energy Update
As the currents of emotion ebb and flow with the gentle pull of the Moon, we're invited within the hidden chambers of our hearts to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions. Exploring the depths of our feelings and reconnecting with our innermost selves.
Gemini Energy Update
The frequencies of freedom, thought, and expression move through us now, and we may want to be here, there, and everywhere. Gemini season invites our spirits to lean in close so as not to miss the present moment.
Taurus Energy Update
The fertility of life blossoms through us now, and we can learn to let go into the present moment. The energy of Taurus encourages us to accept life just as it is. Meet that with your full essence and dignity to show up and enjoy the garden of your life.
Aries Energy Update
It’s time to be fearless and take the lead in your life. What makes you feel alive, and what makes your heart race? Aries wants us to have confidence in our potential, to know that sometimes it’s okay to just do things to prove we can.
Pisces Energy Update
Become like peaceful Pisces and question how you can help, heal, and harmonize. Accessing true transcendence comes from a willingness to let go. To find security in surrender, to synthesize sensitivity, and trust in the unknown.
Aquarius Energy Update
Emanate and embrace the innovative as we arrive in the season of Aquarius. With ambitions high from our time in Capricorn, we are ready to be conscious and cooperative in pursuit of our shared future. New perspectives and great shifts in the collective flourish as we embody the vessel that distributes the waters of life, flowing freely and in unity. The individual becomes the universal being, and we are ready to be in service of our mission.
Capricorn Energy Update
Ascend to the peaks of potential as we enter Capricorn season and the western New Year. Now that we’ve remembered our quest in Sagittarius season, we can become recentered and grounded.
Obstacles become opportunities, and we are initiated into a time of development and foundational growth.
Sagittarius Energy Update
Set your sights high as we soar into Sagittarius season! Our vision clears as the Sun canters through the sign of the celestial Centaur. The times of transformation and internal resurrection in Scorpio season have made way for the joyous liberation of our spirit.
Scorpio Energy Update
Into the depths we now journey as the Sun slips into the realm of Scorpio. The time when the mysteries of life and the uncovering of our hidden treasures within, come to the forefront of our psyche. Tempting us further into the deepest parts of self with a whisper and a longing for the sacred.
Virgo Energy Update
We are stepping out of the spotlight and warmth of Leo and summer's embrace, and into the season of Virgo and the harvest. Our focus shifts from authentic expression, self-worth, and heart-centered action to sustaining those energies through our daily lives and in our service to the world.
March Full Moon || A New Epoch
This Lunar reading was heavily channeled, and focuses on the symbols and higher perspectives coming through. It does not take the traditional form, may the message serve to its greatest extent.
Eternity is aspeccted, the milky waters of the eternal. Law and reason, ordering of law is taking form. This is the beginning of a new epoch. Start to notice how the earthly affects your mental state, your emotional body. Energies are building and gaining form. The wisdom carried forward will show how to be fruitful with your efforts. Understand your resources, the resources. It will be about serving the collective to know self.
March New Moon || Dawn of the New Sun
The New Moon in Satabhisha begins the Sidereal and ancient lunar calendar new year. This energy rises through the dawn of the new sun. An expansive consciousness that is dawning an exaltation of mascculine and feminine. Soul is awakening the unity of inner worlds and outer worlds into order. Mars receives marching orders from Jupiterian wisdom and begins to create the form and action into the evolutionary cycle of this new year of dharmic becoming. This is the rise and realization of a deep desire, old structures will fall. The month begins with very explosive moving energy.
February Full Moon || Transitioning
The rains are rising, the ground is soft but the skies are heavy. A transition within a transition- Air and Fire, led consciousness to shift, pivot, lighten up, and get clear. These energies moved this phase of regeneration unto a new plane of conscious existence. It shifts the ‘stable’ ground of self, time, and how one engages those within the world. Air + Fire were magnetized leading into the full moon and created a hollowing of self, channels, and the shells. It is a new resonance from the self. The detachment and breaking away has released the conscious wrapped into old context. Therefore ‘freeing’ and moving this new resonance and point of reception into new planes of being. This is birthing an untethered journey.
January Full Moon || Fresh Start
This first Full Moon of the year moves goddess consciousness towards the initial framework for new creative expression. This is the first layer awakening beyond previous boundaries. We enter the phase of creating new reference with the outer world from the soul self. Consciousness is always testing and recreating its ‘known’ spaces through the push and pull of divine feminine and masculine. And this Full Moon the push and pull of forces shifts, marking a new feminine creative outpouring.
December Full Moon || New Horizons
This Full Moon marks the point in which we move out of the death phase and cross the waters into new territory. It is the dawning of a new day, of consciousness rising onto the next plane. The Full Moon will bring forward a stronger pull to dharma. Delineate between what serves and how to birth your next evolution. It is not within the physical realm, yet. Outward action will come in January. This point is when the feminine principle becomes impregnated with the wisdom from previous experience/lives. It will then begin to bring this wisdom and direction into physical.
November Full Moon || Rebirth
This is the longest eclipse of the century and reflects back to the eclipse in June of this year. It will bring in resolutions to aspects that came to light during June’s eclipse and will draw down insights to make necessary changes. This eclipse is also preparatory for the Solar eclipse on December 4 which will end this eclipse season with a bang…
October Full Moon || Illumination
This Full Moon brings new birth and light to the inner self, and works to draw energies into new spaces of one’s being. The Full Moon will rise in Ashwini, at the very beginning of Aries with the Sun in Hasta, in the center of Virgo. The Moon’s position sits at a Gandanta point. (3 degrees between Water Sign (Pisces) and a Fire Sign (Aries). Gandanta points are very special, and mark a pivotal point for spiritual development. It creates pressure and acts as an undoing. But this lunation is more of an unveiling. This moon works to shift one’s direction and inner motivation. This lunation will bring much to light. Opportunities may be presented as new directional pivots, new headways in dreams, and hard work.
September Full Moon || Unity
The theme of this Full Moon is Unity Consciousness. It is not an arrival but an unfolding. This lunation, and the energy for this month, will unfold higher wisdom through co-creative power… understanding consciousness behind experience & manifestation, and by releasing old sentiments within the emotional & mental world that have served the current manifested reality. Much of this awakening will occur through the sense of self and through senses.