Aquarius Energy Update

2024 | Aquarius season update by Desdemona M.

Emanate and embrace the innovative as we arrive in the season of Aquarius. With ambitions high from our time in Capricorn, we are ready to be conscious and cooperative in pursuit of our shared future. New perspectives and great shifts in the collective flourish as we embody the vessel that distributes the waters of life, flowing freely and in unity. The individual becomes the universal being, and we are ready to be in service of our mission.

The structure and boundaries we begin to build up in Capricorn season grants us the path to utilizing our free will with altruism and guidance as we transition into the sign of Aquarius. We are able to blend fact with intuition and shift our focus in the understanding that when we pursue our spiritual and soul aspirations, we are working to create a new paradigm. Capricorn shows us how and where to apply ourselves, and in the time of Aquarius we now see that our efforts reach far beyond ourselves. Our originality, awareness, and wellbeing are needed for our own prosperity, but also for the upliftment of humanity.

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac, and despite being the water-bearer, it is actually of fixed air. Like all air signs, Aquarius is a sign of the mind. Yet the purpose of Aquarius is to ascend the ego and lower mind to become an agent of change. We too feel this circulation of energy as an urge to better ourselves and the conditions on this planet. How can our human involvement create positive developments? How do we remember that we are in service to the world? How can our individual expression assist in the liberation of all beings? Being the last of the air signs, Aquarius is here to realize the universal mind and our innate oneness. The cycle of self-mastery in Capricorn roots us back into our center, and we are now asked to consider who we are in how we unite, share, and evolve together.

Come to expect the unexpected, as rebellious Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius. Also known as “The Great Awakener”, Uranus heralds the illumination of sudden shifts, and how we come to grow from moving through those periods. Purveyor of personal revelations, Uranus is the planet of breakthroughs, revolution, and enlightenment. The planet that pushes us to go our own way, and to deviate from what is considered normal in pursuit of personal and universal freedom. Uranus sends the sparks of intuition that seed ingenuity and invention. Exhibiting where we need to open and differ from what is expected or even socially acceptable. Uranus is the first visible planet past the orbit of Saturn, as well as the first planet we saw through the telescope. Representing how we begin to transcend our earthly existence, as well as what lies beyond the bounds of Saturn’s influence. Which is why this is a time when we want to challenge the status quo, instigate, and progress through birthing something new. This planet keeps us focused on the future, and although the road is unpredictable – it’s often what is necessary to elicit our spontaneous spiritual development.

Being the water-bearer, Aquarius teaches us of the waters that flow forth and dissolve back into the infinite ocean of oneness through the vessel of human form. Carrying these divine waters that nourish our highest selves, Aquarius energy is also the chaos or upheaval that oftentimes forces us out of complacency and stagnation. Confronting us to realize that our greatest potential is far greater than the workings of this realm, and that we step out of the human melodrama from time to time and remember our true self. The glyph of Aquarius is shown in two parallel waves, symbolizing the dual waters of life and love, as well as the shock and lightning of awakening that this energy brings. In ancient Babylon, Aquarius was associated with the God Ea, or “The Great One,” depicted as carrying the overflowing vase, teaching that we hold the singularity and universal mind of divinity from which we all come.

Although astrologers can’t agree on when it will happen, most of us have heard of the ‘Age of Aquarius’. A time when our shift toward the divine will change much of our world. Yet when the sun moves through this sign, we get glimpses of this otherworldly energy -- propelling us forward to share in the creation of a new world.

Planets in Motion

On January 20th not only the Sun enters Aquarius, but pivotal Pluto – making for one of the biggest astrological events of our time. Since Pluto is a generational planet, it hasn’t been in the sign of Aquarius for over 200 years since 1798. Back during what was known as “The Age of Revolution”, and the discovery of Uranus itself. This is a renowned time where the transformative powers of Pluto will bring about a new point in history. One where we are more inclusive, collaborative, and beckoned to shift our consciousness. We may experience new groundbreaking technology, cosmic discoveries, and social efforts. And it’s even possible we may see themes of Plutonian power struggles and exposure met with the radical change of Uranus in areas of government, science, and big tech. Get ready for a revolutionary cycle that will assist and uplift us for the next 29.5 years.

Value-focused Venus enters Capricorn on January 23rd, boosting our financial endeavors, business partners, and long-term prospects. Venus in Capricorn is focused on the genuine, enduring connections in our life, and we may favor reliability in our relationships at this time. As well as getting clear about and manifesting our truest desires. Venus will visit this earthy sign until February 16th, so it’s a wonderful time to strengthen bonds and to take the heart seriously.

La Luna is fired up for a gorgeous Full Moon in Leo on January 25th, and our emotions can be big. In gregarious Leo we may want to go out and dazzle the world, or we may want to stay in the Moon-ruled home to nourish ourselves in self-love. We can contemplate how we could embrace and love ourselves more, as well as how we want to fiercely shine as we move into this new year.

We have another very exciting astrological event on January 27th, with Uranus stationing direct in Taurus. Uranus has been in a retrograde cycle since August 28th of last year, and now its forward motion awakens our body and senses. While in retrograde, our foundations and how we have built our lives was tested, and we are now encouraged to continue developing our self-sufficiency. Along with questioning the conditioning of values taught versus the values we really want to carry in this life. Uranus is helping us to embody the change we wish to see. That we compromise comfort and entitlement for the vision quest and metamorphosis of the soul. Uranus will be direct until September 1st, and so this is a splendid cycle that brings the Uranian awakening down into the body and physical experience. Surprising us and forming new ways in which we handle Taurus-ruled themes like values, money, and how we provide for our wellbeing.

On February 9th we have a New Moon in Aquarius, creating space to explore our emotions through a lens of objectivity and freedom. This lunation helps us to let go of negative emotions and the traps that we set for ourselves when we are blinded by belief. Aquarius longs to break free from that which holds us back, and to pay attention to our path’s active progression. New Moons are a cleansing time of release, and in the sign of Aquarius our groups, social pursuits, and ability to try something new are all in key focus. During this New Moon, we can invite in fresh thinking processes and take a more hopeful, aligned stance for our future to come.

Mars, the planet of drive and action, joins the team in Aquarius on February 13th. Making for some very dynamic and even anomalous energy. Mars is here until late March, and although we can be impulsive with this placement – we can also be less concerned about personal power and more open to teamwork. With all the Aquarius energy this month, it’s a time to revolutionize our way of doing just about everything. We are more idealistic and want to use our vision and originality to help ourselves and society as a whole. We may even be called to make abrupt decisions during this time based on our gut feelings and instincts. With Mars in this audacious sign, we feel ready to take on what is needed to make a real difference.

February 16th, Venus takes a deep breath after her time in disciplined Capricorn to open our hearts to the birthright of freedom. Aquarius deepens the Capricorn teaching of co-creation with the Universe, and loving Venus in this placement will bring the empathy needed to understand that what we create affects the whole. We can feel a heightened sense of comradery, community, and generosity. Opportunities and abundance may appear out of seemingly nowhere, as well as chances to form new connections with those around us. Self-worth and values surrounding love and sensuality may be shaken up with creative perspectives. This can be a time of amazing inspiration and insight, paving the way for artistic and ingenious moments to move through us.


What makes you different? What is the vision for the future, within our own lives and within the whole of humanity? How can you contribute to the world in being your own unique self? Allow the inner visionary to light the way. What sets you apart from the crowd, and what brings you together with others? What old beliefs are you possibly holding onto for a sense of security? How can you show up as your radical, unapologetic self and welcome all of it? Remember we all belong to the human family and that our service to each other and the planet is its own reward. Question how you can propel your life forward and embrace the changes to come. For when we open up and let the magic in, we help others to do the same. Together we can disrupt what is no longer acceptable in a loving world and soothe the pains of our transformation with brilliance and healing.

May you always feel held. May you always walk in love.

Desdemona M.

Artist | Dancer | Bruja

Following the stars since childhood, Desdemona walks the path of Astrology, Apache medicine, and Curanderismo.

Dancing with the Divine through ritual, sacred performance, and artistic creation. Casting charts with a focus on soul embodiment, empowerment, and integration. She is guided through the realms of dreams, ceremony, plant medicine, and ways of the Earth. Dedicated in the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Womb Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality. Supporting those seeking to reconnect to their womb space, body, and essence through ancient exploration, dance, and primal practice. She alchemizes the deep studies and connections of Esoteric and Evolutionary Astrology, Ancestral Healing, Energy Psychology, and Rewilding Feminine Practices to assist in the collective’s liberation, reclamation, and remembrance.


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