Taurus Energy Update

2024 | Taurus season update by Desdemona M.

Bask in Edenic delight and drop into the body as the Sun sways into the sign of Taurus. We bloom in full presence and revel in the sensual experience of life, grounding and enjoying a slower serenity. The lush times of this Venusian sign are upon us, and we can’t help but stop and smell the roses. Taurus weaves the path of self-discovery with evocative splendor, as beauty and ease call us to the pleasure of the present moment – nourishing us in the miracles and satisfaction of being wholeheartedly alive.

After getting fired up and stoking the flame of the soul, Aries has awakened us from a long winter. Passion and new momentum have made way for us to enjoy this physical life in Taurus season. We take comfort in how far we’ve come, and after the seed of Aries has sprouted, Taurus now welcomes us to the bloom of the garden. Languid days ahead where rest becomes productive for continued growth, and like the flower we open and heal in the luscious warmth of the sun. This beautiful energy asks us to slow down and take in the simple pleasures that enrich our participation with life. The new starts we made in the time of Aries are now carried with Taurus tenacity. Where Aries showed us the magic and bravery to embody who we really are, Taurus now teaches us the patience to truly be.

Being the 2nd sign of the zodiac, Taurus symbolizes the integration of spirit (Aries) with the physical, knowing they are not separate. Guiding us through the cultivation of the Aries personal will to become self-sufficient. As well as pushing through distractions and obstacles in the way of enjoying our very beingness. As the fixed of the earth signs, Taurus rules the roots that ground and connect us to Mother Earth – keeping us steady and helping us to carry on with momentum. In this time, the material world, and the way we live in it are in focus. And we are asked to examine if our values align with how we are living. Taurus is genuine and knows that our most precious resources are our time, energy, and efforts. How do we respect and honor them, and in turn ourselves? How can we simplify and get out of our own way? Where do we find fulfillment and satisfaction within the mundane? Taurus gently cultivates a wholesome wisdom within, drawing awe and inspiration from the vast beauty of life that anchors the heart deeply in love and self-acceptance.

Time to sit back and relax, as leisure-loving Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus. Bestowing us with abundance and radiance, she is the planet of love, value, nature, and beauty. Emphasizing our sense of worth and how we relate to our corporeal self and the physical plane. This provides a potent time to heal and cherish our connection to the body and to how we love. Venus tempts us toward our delights and pleasures, creating space for us to enjoy them through the warmth of good food, good company, or just the beauty of being. In Greek mythology, Venus is represented as the Goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Therefore, Taurus season can have us melting in a delicious love affair with life, showing us how to transform material desire through embodied living. This feminine energy soothes and revitalizes us, welcoming us back to the ways of the Earth and of our belonging to her. Venus is also said to be symbolically co-ruled by the planet Earth, helping us to remember our true naturalness and expression as the union of heaven and Earth in a body. This Venusian + Earthly unity makes Taurus a very fertile and healing sign, ripening the soul through the human experience.

Taurus, like Sagittarius, is a sign of prosperity, and being Venus-ruled makes for a very benefic energy when we are in her gaze. Taurus sees abundance all around in the most natural forms, reminding us of the priceless value of our aliveness. To be a human with a body capable of experiencing this reality with a multitude of senses. Taurus energy longs for us to take it easy, feeling rooted to the Earth within the physical vessel. The wise ways of nature do not rush, and nor should we expect our growth to. This season teaches us the power of presence. That we can always come back to a place of deep tranquility and even ecstasy. Enjoying life in such a wholesome and heartful way by really taking our time. Tasting, touching, and tuning in with our full self to really be here now.

“For love is sufficient unto love. Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.” – Kahlil Gibran

Taurus is represented by the sacred bull, steadfast and loyal yet obstinate and potentially stubborn when provoked. As Aries signifies the burst of creation and consciousness, Taurus is often symbolized as the Garden of Eden. The wisdom of this sign and time is in knowing that the thriving, fruitful wealth of this world is to be relished in, yet also tended to. Protecting and nurturing the Earth, as she does for us. We can be like the bull and watch the day go by, happy to just eat the grass and be a part of it all. It has even been said that Buddha was born under the sign of Taurus, demonstrating the big enlightenment energy this sign possesses. Often overcoming the desire and dependency on material means to wake up to the potential of deep inner peace and stillness. Understanding that when we just take a moment to appreciate it, life becomes like a majestic symphony. Taurus teaches of resting in our existence, that we can reach wholeness without the need for the external to experience a peace that is precious and ever-present.

Planets in Motion

Spring is here, and after an intense sprint through Aries season, the Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th and is ready for a rest. Life becomes lavish, and we are enriched in a time of art, music, and romantic vision. We may also feel more laid back, softened, and affectionate now – a kiss from sweet Venus. How can we create more spaciousness within the moment? How can we deepen our awareness to find the gratitude and blessing within each present breath, bite, and blink? The medicine of Taurus is gentle and dependable, always there waiting for us to sense and realize the magic. We also can’t forget that it’s no wonder Earth Day falls in Taurus season on April 22nd! Make some time to ground and give back in this time, as Taurus would say that every day is Earth Day.

We take a collective sigh of relief as Mercury ends its retrograde and moves direct in the sign of Aries on April 25th. Our thoughts, communications, and connections turn on with a quickness. We may be excited to share our insights and impulses, so be sure to think things through. This is also a great time for forging new ways of thinking that could have a big impact on our lives. Creative bursts and mental breakthroughs may also come through, as Aries keeps our thoughts and words full of fiery passion and confidence.

The velveteen opulence of Venus settles right in at home when she stations direct in her ruling sign of Taurus on April 29th. This is such a beautiful transit, as Venus is very comfortable in Taurus – amplifying her themes of harmony, elegance, and sensuality. This is a very favorable time for enhancement or focus on beauty, style, and aesthetics within all areas of life. As well as simplifying what we tend to overcomplicate in matters of love, possessions, and what we want to attract. We could also feel more drawn to creature comforts, attainment, and the security we can develop and feel from creating a beautiful life. Venus in Taurus is also wonderful for wealth-building, as Venus naturally attracts abundance in the forms of money, resources, and loving generosity. Our appetite for life can be big now, so be mindful of luxuriating to the point of possible hedonism. But all in all, Venus here wants to let us know we deserve to let our hair down to enjoy this divine lifetime, and that we are here to express our hearts fully. Taurus knows that when we repress this soul desire, it can be what leads to overindulgence. So, enjoy, live! Venus in Taurus opens us up with grace and willingness. Listen when she calls, and don’t be afraid to lounge in love, style, and comfort in this gorgeous time.

Red hot Mars also enters his ruling sign as he moves into Aries on April 30th. Charging up our drive and keeping us poised for action. In many ways this can be very beneficial in Taurus season, as there is the propensity for slower movement. But Mars here will keep us going at a steady if not heightened pace, determined, and strengthened. Feisty and forthright behavior may still follow from Aries season with this transit, but it also brings motivation and inspiration to uplift us as we arrive into summertime. This can be a cycle of empowered action, where we are called to use our efforts for good. We are more alert, direct, and physical with Mars here, and we could be feeling very awakened within the body. Pay attention to your instincts and ask how positive endeavors can move through you with Aries willpower, combined with the practicality of Taurus in this season.

Aquarius until September 2nd. Inviting us for a long portion of the year, to contemplate our choices and intentions going forward collectively and within our own lives. This is a time to use the laser-like focus of Pluto to analyze where we have abused power and control from the themes of Pluto in Capricorn for the past 15 years. Going forward in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will not be bringing broken down systems that do not resonate with a revolutionary, positive, and transformative future. This is a big cycle and point in time to examine these shadow places that Pluto has brought to light, as well as embrace parts of ourselves that we have been afraid to face and heal. Pluto moves very slowly, and so it takes time for us to integrate and transmute from generational karma and lessons learned. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius will give us that time and aid us in our preparation and planning for what we want to bring into a new age and phase of life.

Early in May on the 7th, we have a lovely New Moon in Taurus. This lunar moment holds the fertile soil for us to cultivate new intentions and ways of being as we offer loving gratitude and full hearts. Potent, fresh beginnings take root, and we are focused on magical manifestations that sustain and nourish us and the ones we love. The New Moon will clear and cleanse the way after such a heavy past month of eclipses, calming us as we sow the seeds of Taurus in our security, healing, and stability.

Mercury enters Taurus on May 15th, giving our mind a break from much Aries activity. Mercury in Taurus can help us ease more fully into the Venusian love of slowing things down. Our words may carry more weight and meaning, while we find ourselves saying less or really contemplating our ideas more thoroughly. This transit allows for us to listen to the body more than the mind and move by way of earthly sensing. Mercury favors speed, so have patience for yourself and others while communicating and interpreting. Our minds may be calmer, and we can make decisions with sound reason and meaning.


The fertility of life blossoms through us now, and we can learn to let go into the present moment. The energy of Taurus encourages us to accept life just as it is. That sometimes the simplest of pleasures are the most delicious. Meet that with your full essence and dignity to show up and enjoy the garden of your life. Move with intention. Taurus asks us to linger a little longer, to gaze at life like a lover, and to savor this gift we have been given. Your unique way of beauty is within all that you do. How do you honor your divine temple blessing you with all that you see, touch, and feel? How do you walk in your embodiment? Hold steady in the unshakable faith that the exquisite artistry that is you, is on purpose. You deserve to be here and to thrive as a living being. Where can we embrace more meaning and self-love in our everyday lives? How can we accept the messiness of life as part of the beauty? We relax and let time go by with a smile, rooted in the love that we are here to see the sun still shining.

To live a life of beauty is to offer love to the world.

Desdemona M.

Artist | Dancer | Bruja

Following the stars since childhood, Desdemona walks the path of Astrology, Apache medicine, and Curanderismo.

Dancing with the Divine through ritual, sacred performance, and artistic creation. Casting charts with a focus on soul embodiment, empowerment, and integration. She is guided through the realms of dreams, ceremony, plant medicine, and ways of the Earth. Dedicated in the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Womb Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality. Supporting those seeking to reconnect to their womb space, body, and essence through ancient exploration, dance, and primal practice. She alchemizes the deep studies and connections of Esoteric and Evolutionary Astrology, Ancestral Healing, Energy Psychology, and Rewilding Feminine Practices to assist in the collective’s liberation, reclamation, and remembrance.


Aries Energy Update