Capricorn Energy Update

2023 | Capricorn season update by Desdemona M.

Ascend to the peaks of potential as we enter Capricorn season and the western New Year. Now that we’ve remembered our quest in Sagittarius season, we can become recentered, and grounded. Obstacles become opportunities, and we are initiated into a time of development and foundational growth.

The pursuit of higher-minded ideas and how we fit into the grand scheme of life in Sagittarius season is now sustained with focus, goals, and ambition in the time of Capricorn. With our hearts now lit, Capricorn guards what we know to be true, and knows how to walk the talk. Where Sagittarius shows us courageous truth, Capricorn teaches us how to live from it within our integrity. How do we stay aligned with our principals? How do we show up with presence and intention? And what are we striving to truly manifest in our lives? Purpose and practicality meet in these times, and like the steadfast goat we become sure-footed again.

Capricorn is the 10th sign in the astrological wheel. Being of cardinal earth grants the magic to transmute and shape the material plane with willpower and resilience to build lasting form. Capricorn does this with life experience, connections, as well as in the physical. Like Cap, we can initiate and sustain action with wisdom and direction. Growth requires patience, and none other exhibits the willingness to go the distance like capable Capricorn. Cap knows that the best efforts come from a place of discipline and is here to illuminate the journey of inner mastery.

Father Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn, and is the planet of karma, responsibility, and structure. Saturn has often been likened to the cosmic taskmaster. Pushing us to progress and rewarding us greatly when we persist. In Greek Mythology, the planet Saturn is represented by Cronos, the God of Time. Knowing the limitation of time and space, Saturn asks that we commit and take responsibility for this life. This is what helps us to create definition and solidity, bringing awareness to the need for boundaries and self-control. This is the planet of realism and maturity, enhancing us through our long-term goals and manifestations. Without this energy, we would exist in chaos. And while Saturn’s effect may be sobering, it’s also what keeps us going, especially when things get tough. We are able to call upon a very reliable energy within ourselves during this season. One that honors and respects the needs and limitations of the self, and that of others.

Conscious Capricorn is the preserving energy of the zodiac. Holding and molding traditions and systems of the very realities and societies we live within. Keeper of time, the sea goat lives in the highest earthly planes, but the tail of the fish keeps this spirit rooted in a deep ocean of intuition, magic, and elevation. The air is rare at these heights, and in the time of Capricorn we seek to rise above our limitations to prove ourselves. Capricorn energy asks that we work hard to achieve, because it knows the value of this life. Yet also asks that we come from our genuine path and soul. How do we take our talents, gifts, and abilities a bit more seriously? And where could we perhaps ease up on ourselves? In this time, we act with purpose and good reason. Capricorn’s classic reservation and self-containment comes from a place of knowing when to put forth initiative, and when to conserve energy. Understanding we need both in the climbing of the proverbial mountain that is life. And that reaching the light of the summit inspires the awe and faith in our ability. Reverberating through our beingness that we can continue to strive and just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Being driven to climb and yet prone to restraint creates a very interesting and oftentimes strenuous experience for Capricorn. Cap tends to live in cycles of quiet growth, all the while leveling up and usually healing through these processes. This is why we see many a goat come into great success later in life. Represented by the archetype of the initiate, and eventually the adept -- Capricorn earns their strength through endurance and even hardship. Faith in life is often born in these hard experiences. It is said that Capricorn guards the gate of the soul. Bearing our primordial roots to the Earth, and the wisdom of instinct. In ancient Egypt, Capricorn was revered in the form of a crocodile, symbolizing the great intuition of the water with the grounded energy of the Mother Earth.

Planets in Motion

After Sagittarius season, we need somewhere to channel our inspiration and passion, and Capricorn season brings us the perfect opportunity. With Mercury turning retrograde in Sagittarius on December 23rd, we have some time to think about where we want to channel our mental energy and efforts in the coming year. This is a beautiful moment to do some New Year’s planning and invite in the fresh start, if you enjoy that practice. Mercury retrograde will actually facilitate some much-needed down time, but in Sag we might have big ideas to contemplate. Take your time with expansive thought, and let life guide you while we enjoy and rest in the abundance of friends, family, and the winter beauty.

On December 26th, there is a gorgeous Full Moon in watery Cancer – the Moon’s ruling sign. This lunation will pull us back into our emotions, calling us home to our hearts. Hold your tenderness with love and care. Let vulnerability be the guide and make way for feelings to flow. Cancer is the opposite or sister sign of Capricorn, and we’re reminded that our emotions are valid and are frequently the direct line to our source. This is a beautiful time for lots of self-love, care, and nurturing amidst all the busyness right now. Family, home, and all things cozy are aligned with this Full Moon, and of course just in time for the holidays.

Amorous Venus enters Sagittarius on December 29th , and after her highly charged time in Scorpio for nearly a month we certainly have a change of heart. Our relationships, values, and sensual selves may have felt transformed or deepened in some ways, reawakening our core. From intense to spirited, we now come to a period of our affections, pleasures, and sense of beauty seeking new heights and maybe even adventures. Venus in Sag favors prosperity, wealth, and the expansion of the love in our lives. Seek, study, and let spontaneity lead the way! Sagittarius rules good luck, so remember to always take a chance on where you’re guided.

The very next day on December 30th, we have Jupiter moving direct in the sign of Taurus, and it’s time to stop and smell the roses. Naturally, we may desire a more relaxed and easeful pace of life. A cycle where we want to honor our vessels and expand our experience through the earthly senses. We can attract abundance, creative inspiration, and overall centered positivity when Jupiter is in this Venus-ruled sign. Jupiter stationing direct makes for a very auspicious flow, putting us under a divine sort of protection in the sign of the steady bull. Our dreams may feel more tangible and attainable with this placement. As Taurus knows how to follow through, and generous Jupiter in forward motion will bestow us with many opportunities and offerings.

On New Year’s Day, January 1st, we are greeted with delightful Mercury going direct in Sagittarius – sparking our mental processing, thinking, and speaking. A time when we percolate with instinct and excitement for new ideas, maybe even too many! As Mercury gets lofty in this position with all that Jupiter energy expanding our minds. Express yourself and move your mind, but practice patience with this breath of fresh air. We will get a bright burst to ride into the new year on the winds of excitement and imagination.

Mars enters Capricorn on January 4th, and we are better able to harness our drive and focus in a clear direction. Mars can really get a lot done in Cap, and we may even experience a boost in stamina and fortitude. Putting in the work to achieve and push ahead calmly and directly. Mars is said to be exalted or very comfortable in this sign, giving us structure and even more of a boost to climb in Capricorn season. Mars in Capricorn helps us to think more about our lifelong goals and decisions versus instant gratification. This transit will assist us to celebrate our achievements from 2023, and to get on top of our momentum in manifesting.

We then have a cleansing New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, empowering us to align our emotions with our path. Taking stock of what promotes growth, and what doesn’t. Our destiny is in our own hands, and with so many planets in Capricorn, we are really getting serious about our way forward. This New Moon gives us the space to create or update the roadmap for our coming motivations. Capricorn isn’t easily deterred, and we feel ready to invest in ourselves and the preservation of our earthly realm.

Mid month on January 13th, Mercury follows along and enters Capricorn till February 5th. Straightforward communication and more efficient mental processing plays a big role now. So much Capricorn energy is necessary in these times as we are coming to a point of how we want to restructure our world. We employ a steady mind and think about what moves us and what we want to move through us. Capricorn isn’t all about work, but also the satisfaction that comes from doing what we can and putting our best foot forward. We can think about how far we’ve come, and the trajectory of where we want to go. Mercury in Cap helps us to see and be the voice of reason, and how communication can be another way to build our reality.


Capricorn takes charge, and we are ready for new heights. Honor your boundaries. Ask where you want to put in the real concentration and drive. Question what you want to co-create with the Universe. How do we become more reliable, and where do we feel supported? We are shaping ourselves up for a big new cycle where the release of limiting beliefs makes way for our truest triumphs. Use practicality as a spiritual tool, reason to build rhythm, and know that your magic is always accessible. Capricorn guides us back to the way of devotion. To remember that life is a prayer, and we are more than capable of paving the way for a better world.

May you always feel held. May you always walk in love.

Desdemona M.

Artist | Dancer | Bruja

Following the stars since childhood, Desdemona walks the path of Astrology, Apache medicine, and Curanderismo.

Dancing with the Divine through ritual, sacred performance, and artistic creation. Casting charts with a focus on soul embodiment, empowerment, and integration. She is guided through the realms of dreams, ceremony, plant medicine, and ways of the Earth. Dedicated in the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Womb Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality. Supporting those seeking to reconnect to their womb space, body, and essence through ancient exploration, dance, and primal practice. She alchemizes the deep studies and connections of Esoteric and Evolutionary Astrology, Ancestral Healing, Energy Psychology, and Rewilding Feminine Practices to assist in the collective’s liberation, reclamation, and remembrance.


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