November Full Moon || Rebirth

November 2021 Full Moon Vedic Astrology Reading & Ritual By Gemma Celento

This is the longest eclipse of the century and reflects back to the eclipse in June of this year. It will bring in resolutions to aspects that came to light during June’s eclipse and will draw down insights to make necessary changes. This eclipse is also preparatory for the Solar eclipse on December 4 which will end this eclipse season with a bang. The December 4th eclipse will be the most potent of the season. These energies offer strong forces for restructure. Jupiter’s wisdom has been ushering in this lunation but will not be the primary player during this Full Moon eclipse. He aids in expansion of wisdom to serve right action. His energy is holding the space. He offers guidance for progressive movement forward to open new doors. Cumulatively with the other planets this Eclipse births a rise of soul centered consciousness through death and realization.

This point is where we cross the cosmic river that connects past lives through the current life, merging into the underworld. The soul crosses the threshold of a new beginning within the mind to create death/rebirth. 3 planets in Scorpio (Ketu, Mercury, Sun) with lunar forces on the ‘bridge’ between Taurus/Aries. The planets working through this eclipse will bring shifts in relizations, opportunities, and reality. It is all done through the birth of the revitalized self. In esoteric cosmology these forces are the rise of a new god (soul embodied self). All the planets come together to work into the next level of spiritualization, and co-creating new spiritual awareness from within.

There is strong Shiva and Shakti energy working through this lunation. The dual forces of co-creation. Both primal masculine and feminine energies are very ripe. It is both for recreation and through Mars’ placement, it can stir and magnetize sacred partners towards one another. It may also arouse sexual energy. Entanglements, sexual, relationships and partnerships can occur. Be mindful. These dual forces act to recreate-procreate the new being and mind. Mars will work with Saturn to draw more power towards inner being and soul pursuits. Obstacles will be removed quickly if clarity is applied. Use the energy of Mars to get clear on your directive and how to apply the power of your mind and being. This will work to remove what doesn’t align. Call in your power and create harmony within the masculine feminine within self. This harmonizing of Shiva and Shakti will be important leading into next month. Remember Jupiter and Saturn hit a monumental conjunction point that created a new 20 year cycle. This new cycle has now dripped into the inner planets and the desire body. It will work to apply new awareness into a purified emotional/desire body. Apply new wisdom and forms of relating beyond self to serve in harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies.

Vishakha the placement of the Sun stands for transformation, and is known as the gateway to heaven. The Moon’s placement alongside North Node, Rahu in Krittika, is also at a pivotal cosmic point marking the dawn of a new god. The godhead within. Many will feel more surgence in self reliance, self-assuredness, or confidence towards following inner directive. This point in Egyptian cosmology is considered the second god. The energies can be best understood as heralding a new mind, a new consciousness, a new order within the current epoch. The moon and Rahu’s placement mark a point of bringing awareness to life. Duties that needed to be enacted in this lifetime may arise through desires or needing to pursue another aspect of self. Past life desires and wisdom comes through into the conscious mind. The Moon and Rahu rest in Pleiades. It is a rise in feminine. The doorway to the initiate opened on the October New Moon. Many sisters will be called to take the journey like the charioteer that crosses the skies. For others this journey will call you to venture into the recesses of fear that need to sacrifice so the godhead within can rise.

There is a shift in feminine consciousness within the collective. This is not a hierarchy, but works to heal and birth the new reality, new order. Innovations, arts, science will begin to rise. There may be more female lead endeavors. There will be more collaborations in healing, in serving, in awakening, and to aid our earth. This lays to rest aspects of personal ‘ego’ pursuits, competitiveness and will work to balance masculine nature. Pursuits will begin to open up collective unity. Especially among like minded.

Emotions can be stirred, the Moon’s placement in Taurus on this eclipse is in exaltation which helps to settle errant emotional energy. But this energy can lift the tides of emotions for endings and sudden realizations to what has weighed on your emotions or what you have overly invested into emotionally. As I mentioned in my New Moon readings, the emotional mental body is being cleared and strengthened. This is a part of this process that began in January. This will work to bring completions of karmas that remain within the mental/emotional body. For some this can be related to interrelating.

Some will learn the healthy balance of irreverence and not entwining self or emotions through the mental projections of the mind. For all it will reshape how mental/emotional body are involved in co-creative process, self-stability, and following the drumbeat of your soul. If emotions have swayed the decision making process, or how you hold yourself, then welcome these energies. They will offer a new transformation to command how emotions work through perceptions and interrelations with the world and within relationships. Get clear, take command of this energy, it is the activating force of desires and manifested reality. Be mindful of competitiveness or ‘cutting’. Rein in assumptions, hold reality with discernment. The release can stir protection mechanisms. It’s time to surrender into the heart, into the place where you are held fully and seen within your god given glory, so you may rise into a new god head. Another aspect of these energies is to feel in two worlds. For many, the understanding of ‘In this world, not of it’ will ring true. It may feel as if you’re here physically but your mind is elsewhere, or that your heart may not be ‘in it’. This is natural. Detachment occurs for the soul to rise and for self to be recreated, honor this and create space for the passage.

On the back end there is a lot of Air + Fire energy. This aids in destruction, clarity through space creation, sudden realizations, and purification. However it is also agitating and can make one reactive, anxious, over distributed, or competitive. Be mindful, it’s time to let go of the ego that holds anything, anyone, or any situation against the true self. Harness this energy through intentions. When focused it is a transformative force that purifies and lights the way to the depth and bounty of the soul. The Moon’s conjunction with North Node, Rahu can create cutting energy, and lead to quick reactions. It should be used to cut through delusion, to slice open aspects that falsify the self, and veil the truth. Again this can be quick realizations with potency or it can be reactive energy, the choice is always yours. It is truly the ending of a season.

It is important to fast. Take the day to mourn the old aspects of life, of lost loved ones, of aspects of the self that have brought you here. New support rises from reverence on where you’ve been and builds courage for where you are going. It is where we cross the underworld and honor others and aspects that have been laid to rest, for good. This will work to raise the consciousness of those that have passed. The gifts and consciousness will live on through you.This Full Moon takes the perception shifts and moves them into perspectives that peer into further horizons. Earlier this month a lot of insecurities stirred, this is natural and normal when we cross new horizons and are creating new ways of being, seeing. These energies have less tether to old ways of being and seeing. The ego will be challenged. Think of it as being purified, resurrected into higher consciousness. This Fall brings us back to our roots, our deeper inner knowing. Gates open to reconnect to ancestors. This is a fullness from the April New Moon what arose then, now creates a full circle. Think back to inner wishes, desires, and healing that came to mind during the spring. This Full Moon brings this into completion, either through understanding and release or new ideas of attainment and manifestation. It's like a rebirth. 

Ritual for the Full Moon

We have entered the phase of crossing the land of material into the spiritual. The world of the 'dead' is actually the waters of birth. Within this space we receive great wisdom, can claim the immense power of the soul self and reconnect entirely into divine. It is very potent primal forces that prepare for the rising energy on December 4th.

During this eclipse, it is important to create a death ceremony. This can be laying to rest the aspects of self that served you, be it patterns, ideas, or who you once were. It can be used to honor those who've passed and give reverence for their gifts and contributions through one consciousness. For those that are familiar with Sekmet, you may use any personal ritual that feels aligned, or Isis as she crosses the waters. Kali death rituals can also be used during this lunation.

To begin your ritual, start with a cleansing bath, followed by alternate nostril breath (nadi shodhana) for 10-15 min.

Once the mind is settled and the energy is balanced. You may set up your altar facing South. Cover it with a black cloth, place a white candle or a oil lamp at the top of the altar. Write and recite out what you are laying to rest, fears, aspects, whatever it is. If you are honoring those who've passed, write out and recite your gratitude. Ask from the depths of your being, from the infinite wisdom within you and through divine to birth your godhead, awakening the divine higher consciousness within. It is not to ask for anything, but to lay to rest and resurrect what lies within. You may also connect with your ancestors. Once you are done, Burn the paper and allow the candle to burn through. Give thanks and take the rest of the evening in silence.

Gemma Celento

Gemma Celento is a student of the stars and servant to nature. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Vedic Astrologer working with the Nakshatras (lunar mansions). Featured in Yoga Journal, and a student of the Tantric Sri Vidya Lineage, Gemma lives in Florence, Italy. She works to guide people to heal with nature through their stars. Her offerings include spiritually focused courses in alchemy, Ayurveda, and medicine making practices, as well as Ayurvedic/Astrology- cosmobiology consultations.

December Full Moon || New Horizons


October Full Moon || Illumination