Aries Energy Update

2024 | Aries season update by Desdemona M.

Happy Astrological New Year and Spring Equinox! And welcome to a fiery rebirth as we burst into Aries season, ready to set out and plant the seeds of opportunity. A powerful time packed with two major eclipses and our initiative rekindled. Aries kickstarts spring in the northern hemisphere – waking us up from our hibernation with passionate action, new beginnings, and instinctual excitement. With the soul now awakened from the Pisces slumber, courageous capability takes charge as Aries sets the soul aflame. Activating our impulse to live life with fullness, vitality, and joie de vivre. This season reignites our presence and desire to move, create, and lead our lives awakened with love.

Our journey back to the soul in Pisces season prepared us for the physical embodiment and activity that Aries now ushers in. Pisces represents the culmination of the evolutionary cycle, and in Aries, we are ready to be reborn and begin again. Aries rules divine will incarnate, and the urge to express our innate aliveness. Evoking our bravery to create determined self-expansion. As Pisces wanted us to remember our true infinite nature, we now live through that knowingness as an enlivened manifestation of Source in Aries season. Active and moving forward in awe of life. Like Aries, we are called to claim our existence through spirited pursuit and fearless expression. Happily, and intentionally contending with the battles of life to bring deeper understanding and actualization.

Ambitious Aries being the very first sign of the zodiac understands the potential of life, as well as the strength of our purpose and leadership within it. This energy rules over beginnings, birth, and the collision of creation itself. Being the first of the fire signs, Aries is like that of the big bang, or birth of a star — the initiation and experience of becoming into being. This sign is where our primal instincts and the will to do and be, are born. Aries rules the first house, known as the house of self, presiding over our physicality, identity, outlook, and how we navigate the world. Also, first of the cardinal signs, Aries initiates the change of a season and offers a fresh start with the confidence and capacity to develop and grow. We may feel more bold, direct, and enthusiastic now – and like Aries, we can understand parts of self by facing and walking through the fire, becoming stronger and more integrated.

Things are heating up as Aries is ruled by the red-hot planet Mars, daring us to live our life like we mean it. Known as the God of War in both Roman and Greek Mythology, this assertive planet of drive and action is where we see many of the masculine themes in life translated through what we do and how we do it. Energizing and leading the way with vigor, motivated Mars rules over our physical body, outward expression, and stamina. Assisting us in the accessing of raw power and creative lifeforce, as well as the nature to survive.

The Red Planet is forceful and forthright, pushing us closer to our true ecstatic nature, brimming with high charge and potential. As the lower octave of Pluto, Mars is also a planet of purification that channels strife, struggle, and conflict into productive efforts. The fire of Mars can also burn away that which no longer serves, allowing frustrations and blockages to enable us like the Aries, to meet challenges head on and grow from them. This is why we often see Aries seeking out challenge and even chaos or crisis, and in turn they are usually quite skillful in dealing with these areas of life. Like their Mars co-ruled Scorpio kin, Aries are intense, self-assured, and like to push their limits. However, they can often face burning out their own flame. Without the necessary positive outlets for this substantial energy, stagnancy can turn to anger in the body. Therefore, it’s important to exercise foresight and to look at how we harness our own life force energy and personal direction in this season.

Charging into action, Aries is represented by the golden ram, pushing through obstacles and that which holds us back. Aries energy is also signified as the warrior spirit, ready to fight for honor and what is just. Symbolizing the birth of divinity, in Esoteric Astrology Aries is known as “The Light of Life Itself,” denoting the very essence of this sign and time. Aries are often very impressive people with the ability to accept challenges with quick and commanding decisiveness. This authentic and independent nature demonstrates a superpower that can allow them to take chances and opportunities that pass others by or seem out of reach. We too can gain these advantages during this time. These people are tough for a reason and have also been known to protect and defend the innocent when no one else would. Aries energy is also very loyal and loving, and in Greek Mythology – Ares was well-known for his love affair with the Goddess Aphrodite. Aries is driven by their heart, and this shows us the chipped armor they tend to wear, often finding themselves fighting for love or in the battles of others. This sacred anger can move through Aries and us in intentional, or destructive ways, pointing to the potency and power of our cosmic initiation as incarnated beings.

Planets in Motion

We are blessed with motivation and an energy boost in perfect timing for spring as the Sun blazes into Aries on March 19th. This is the true New Year where Aries represents the birth of spring, and we start to feel our bodies waking up, eager to go. Our drive returns, and we prioritize passion and joy in our daily lives. Aries is the spark of growth behind all of life, the divine flame that pushes and pulls in the processes of burgeoning forth. From the seed bursting through the soil, the rose in active bloom, to the birth of a new life. With the Sun in this position, our momentum speeds up quickly – especially when we believe in ourselves and in our potential as an infinite being. The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries or said to be operating at its highest frequency, making this energy very potent and dynamic. This is a very activating and amazing cycle to begin new things, take positive action toward goals, and to let our wild side be the guide.

Before we get carried away in the heat of Aries, Mars takes a swim in the sign of Pisces on March 22nd. Mars in the sign of the gentle fish will help us keep our calm throughout our time in Aries. Energy and mood fluctuations are natural here. With the feisty fighter Mars in the sign of the sensitive dreamer, we could be finding ourselves eager to express and connect emotionally. Mars’ energy could be channeled into romantic and creative endeavors, and we could be willing to sacrifice and lay down our grudges and hang ups for love. This is a somewhat uncomfortable position for Mars, and as such many lessons can be learned. Making it a beautiful transit as we begin the season of the ram, feeling cosmically protected or armored by love. Aries is unstoppable, and with Mars in this position, we are capable of great healing work and compassionate ventures.

We have a gorgeous Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th, prompting the budding culmination of what we started during the last New Moon in February. Eclipses can affect us for up to six months, and with the Aries-Libra axis activated, relationships and balancing our personal needs are in major focus. We are learning how to value both independent efforts as well as maintaining partnerships. Lunar eclipses are emotional, and a Full Moon eclipse can help us shed light on what may be building up inside. And in Libra, we could even be ready to share it with diplomacy and grace. This illumination is about our necessity for connection and camaraderie, highlighting how we show up and appreciate others as well as ourselves. We may experience revelations within relationships or personal identity, along with possible challenges or strengthening. Take time to integrate and question how you’re really feeling and progressing in these areas, as eclipses are also time to clear up past patterns that may be holding us back. The lesson of this Libran eclipse is that we truly do need love and support, and this guidance will aid to invigorate the positive actions and decisions we make moving forward.

​​On April 1st Mercury turns retrograde in Aries, bringing the opportunity to reclaim mental power or pursuits. Retrogrades bring a sense of slowing down and a short-term period of reflection, and in the sign of Aries we could find ourselves contemplating and communicating more directly. This placement may have our body doing the talking, and making an impact more with presence than pretty words. Despite being retrograde, Mercury in this placement is still very quick, so it’s a good period to think before speaking with impulsivity. Aries and Mercury both can be quite impatient, so with the planet retrograde we want to think about what we will soon be doing, and the areas that could use some new energy and fresh perspective.

Venus follows and enters Aries on April 4th, urging us to live in the present moment. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and value becomes very passionate and spontaneous here. Moving with emotional impulse and choosing the path of the heart. Venus becomes more upfront and ready to seek in all her avenues under the influence of this fire sign. Pursuing love and pleasure but also opportunities for growth and even business. Go-getter Aries can make a big impact financially when visiting the planet of wealth, granting us with newfound confidence and zeal. Venus in this sign is also a great time to practice self-love and activities that give us a boost. It’s favorable to invest in yourself during this time and even to adorn or change up your physical appearance if that feels nourishing. Venus in Aries longs for us to be bold and to explore our personal desires with gusto.

Fateful fresh starts and intense release are in store as we settle in for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8th. We are now on the other side of the Aries-Libra axis, and look at what could be left behind in how we relate with ourselves and others in order to embody more authentic expression in our lives. Eclipse season always asks the hard questions, and the effects are long-lasting. Powerful feelings may arise, especially when it comes to those closest to us. We are encouraged to take risks as a new karmic beginning is underway. Aries presents a powerful time to take up our space and go for it, inspiring and emboldening us as we create and shape a new year and new age.


It’s time to be fearless and take the lead in your life. What makes you feel alive, and what makes your heart race? Aries wants us to have confidence in our potential, to know that sometimes it’s okay to just do things to prove we can. Aries teaches that our human nature is a gift and that when we stifle our instincts, we stifle our connection to life. Listen to your gut, let yourself be loud, joyful, and truly present. Aries knows that when we are ourselves, we can be a guiding light for others. How do we show up with bravery and resilience in a fragmented world? Aries helps us to remember our sense of purpose, giving us the willingness to start again. Knowing that our true strength lies in the valiant heart, and that when we remember the pulse of life beats through us, we could never forget our power. Embrace and allow your animal side to come out. Have fun with the wildness and messiness of being human. Move, shout, create – keep the vital energy moving through your body. Never apologize for your being. You deserve to be, do, and thrive. Aries lights the ancient flame, free and fierce, warming our hearts and waking the infinite soul.

May you always feel held. May you always walk in love.

Desdemona M.

Artist | Dancer | Bruja

Following the stars since childhood, Desdemona walks the path of Astrology, Apache medicine, and Curanderismo.

Dancing with the Divine through ritual, sacred performance, and artistic creation. Casting charts with a focus on soul embodiment, empowerment, and integration. She is guided through the realms of dreams, ceremony, plant medicine, and ways of the Earth. Dedicated in the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Womb Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality. Supporting those seeking to reconnect to their womb space, body, and essence through ancient exploration, dance, and primal practice. She alchemizes the deep studies and connections of Esoteric and Evolutionary Astrology, Ancestral Healing, Energy Psychology, and Rewilding Feminine Practices to assist in the collective’s liberation, reclamation, and remembrance.


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