Virgo Energy Update

September 2023 | Virgo season update by Mona Johnson

We are stepping out of the spotlight and warmth of Leo and summer's embrace, and into the season of Virgo and the harvest. Our focus shifts from authentic expression, self-worth, and heart-centered action to sustaining those energies through our daily lives and in our service to the world. Where were we asked to shine in Leo season? What talents, self-expressions, and creative forces were we asked to courageously share? How are we embodying our hearts, and how can we now cleanse what no longer serves?

The energy of Virgo asks us how to bring more clarity, care, and dedication to these areas of our lives, utilizing our skills and focus to hold consistency and compassion for what nourishes the gardens of our soul, guiding us to the understanding of how our unique expression of the divine can help us to heal ourselves and in turn, the collective.

Virgo connects us with the sowing, germination, and harvesting in matters of the body, mind, and spirit, and asks us where we have been putting in the resources to promote our growth. Teaching us refinement through processes of purification, and of reaching higher states of consciousness through alchemizing diligence, devotion, and the nurturing of our earthly embodiment.

Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Mercury, and in Modern Astrology, is co-ruled by the 'Wounded Healer' asteroid Chiron. Being a mutable Earth sign, Virgo shows us how to shape, adjust, and heal within the world around us. Which is why we often see much grace and adaptation in the way that Virgo moves through life -- gifts we will also be able to employ during her season.

We often misunderstand the energy and people born under the sign of Virgo. She is not to be confused with the chaste virgin but rather known in her full right as Mother to all of Earth. Usually, the Divine Mother is associated with the sign of Cancer, but we cannot forget that Virgo also represents and encompasses the triple Goddess in all her forms – Mother, Maiden, and Crone. In the ancient roots of the word ‘virgin,’ we find that it denotes a woman in her own right, with her own sense of integrity and morality. This is a big lesson on the essence of Virgo’s purity. That our tenacity, pursuits of improvement, and abilities being utilized with good will and intention are how we can restore our world. Virgo reminds us of our sensibility, connection, and that we are where heaven and Earth meet in human form. The simplicity, precision, and at times perfectionism of Virgo’s energy reflect the deeply divine facets this sign is associated with. Virgo is the link between body and soul and rules the parasympathetic nervous system, viscera, the digestive system, the cerebellum, and the gut-brain axis. As well as the sign’s 6th house rulership of overall health, wellbeing, and daily routines. So, it’s a beautiful time for a detox, cleanse, or just a general reset of lifestyle and nutrition. It’s favorable to return to a practice or develop new ones entirely. As well as introducing opportunities and offerings for healing and cleansing to your body, mind, spirit, and spaces. In this time, we will be learning and remembering that nurturing and tending to ourselves is also an act of service.

Planets in Motion

With an epic seven planets in retrograde this month, there is certainly a lot of focus on revision and review. Retrogrades happen when we perceive a planet’s movement to be going backward from our perspective on Earth, and they are naturally a time of rest, reevaluation, and rejuvenation. This month consists of Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto in retrograde motion with a few others not far behind. Venus went retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd. Which helped us to take a deeper look at our values, self-love, and matters of the heart. Once Venus stations direct on the third, we will begin to feel the clarity and stability return in our relationships, money, and desires. As well as more embodiment of the recent lessons within how we want to experience love, abundance, and beauty.

We then have Mercury retrograde in Virgo from the middle of the month, from August 23rd to September 14th. Making for quite a favorable retrograde, despite what we may usually think. Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo, which means it’s particularly favorable and well-placed. So, we can expect some of the usual delays and double-checking – but Mercury’s backspin in Virgo will actually help to aid us in the realm of details and examination. Keep a keen eye on what’s important, but no need for retrograde worries, as it can even help to ground some of our mental spaces and processes more than usual.

Uranus will also turn retrograde in Taurus on August 29th, lasting until January 27th. A slower and longer retrograde that will continue to encourage more of our awakening while reminding us to take our time and reflect on how we’ve changed.

All of which will be amplified by Virgo’s polar sign during the Pisces Full Blue Moon on August 30th. Bringing our full attention to the Virgo-Pisces axis, aptly named "The Axis of Heaven." This full moon will shine on where we may feel disillusioned and how to foster the understanding of Pisces with the discernment of Virgo. As well as opening our hearts and feeling into our own unique flow. Much like a Pisces feels, this moon may activate some very whole-hearted emotions within us. Although the waters could certainly usher in some divine downloads, soothing states, and will certainly grant us the dreamy vision to see the magic in life. Then, the restorative New Harvest Moon in Virgo on September 14th will bring even more attention to how we can call upon the energies of the sanctifying Priestess to physically and spiritually cleanse, as well as giving spaces, connections, and habits a good refresh.

Finally, the great benefic Jupiter joining the bunch -- beginning its long retrograde starting September 4th until the 6th of December, giving us a long period to percolate and process the cycles of the year. As well as revisit our beliefs and expand our horizons. Starting early in the month, this will also be a deeply spiritual and insightful period that will last until the end of the year. Enliven your grandest dreams; Jupiter retrograde will help to vitalize the vision. This is a time of re-grounding, reviewing, and examining our ways of consumption, communing with the Earth, and the devotion that lies within living our greater mission and purpose.

Virgo assists us in the deep healing, efficiency, and alignment needed on the planet right now. The medicine of Virgo is in the knowing that we are, in fact, of the Earth and of the universe, and of the magic within that knowing. Virgo guidance comes in through the details and routines that make up our lives. Invite in thinking about what could shift in these areas to encourage greater wellness, sustainability, and nourishment. Her energy will gently facilitate these new pathways of thinking, doing, and being to prepare us for greater growth, enrichment, and divine harvest.

Give yourself plenty of grace, patience, and love in this time as we begin to slowly shift toward fall, inviting in a different pace of life.

May you always feel held. May you always walk in love.

Desdemona M.

Artist | Dancer | Bruja

Following the stars since childhood, Desdemona walks the path of Astrology, Apache medicine, and Curanderismo.

Dancing with the Divine through ritual, sacred performance, and artistic creation. Casting charts with a focus on soul embodiment, empowerment, and integration. She is guided through the realms of dreams, ceremony, plant medicine, and ways of the Earth. Dedicated in the healing arts of Energy Medicine, Womb Wisdom, and Sacred Sexuality. Supporting those seeking to reconnect to their womb space, body, and essence through ancient exploration, dance, and primal practice. She alchemizes the deep studies and connections of Esoteric and Evolutionary Astrology, Ancestral Healing, Energy Psychology, and Rewilding Feminine Practices to assist in the collective’s liberation, reclamation, and remembrance.


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