Returning to your throne

Transmission by Dusah Wiseman

To return to your throne means you have placed your power and life back into your hands. You are dancing seductively to the beat of your own drum and standing firmly in your confidence. You are no longer confined to what others think you should be, for you have defined it for yourself. You relentlessly remove blockages that were preventing you from living out your divine purpose, turning your trauma into treasure. You have found your sweet spot and oh is it juicy! You have tapped into the ancient wisdom of the powerful women who came before you and you're a walking embodiment of love, magic, compassion..POWER.

She’s a Creatrix, living life on her own terms, inviting more ease, flow, and sovereignty. She has created her very own "heaven on earth".

Are you living the life of your highest self? You can replace the you’s in the first paragraph with I AM statements for a powerful initiation into this version of you. We all have the capacity to tap into this innate wisdom and potential, however sometimes the lines of responsibility get blurred, causing us to find ourselves in a cave we didn’t realize we crawled into. You are the light in the dark but it’s up to you to remember the spark.

In reality, it’s not so bad to lose yourself. From here we can tap into the dark feminine, creatrix space within our wombs and recreate ourselves to be whomever we desire.

The journey back to YOU begins with peeling back the layers that are covering up your greatness. The lies, the experiences, the trauma, the emotional instability, the roles you’ve acquired, all the things that behave as masks, covering up The Atman, your True Authentic Self. You know when you've outgrown the paradigms and cycles that have kept you feeling small. It’s almost as if you’re no longer comfortable in your own skin and the mirror projects this obscured reflection you no longer recognize.

This is the Rebirth.

This is where the growth lies much like a snake outgrowing its skin to the point that it hurts to be touched. When a serpent begins to shed, it's a rather uncomfortable process that causes anxiety. They become withdrawn...hiding even. Clarity dims as their eyes become cloudy. They lose their appetite, and the desire to interact is nonexistent. This process happens much like a rebirth, revealing new and vibrant colors at completion.

In what ways have you hindered your shedding process? How we feel about our body is a direct reflection of how we view and connect to the world around us. Can you stand in the mirror without judgment, surrendering to compassion and love? Are you sipping your Soma, the sweet nectar of the Gods that flows from your heart to mind, connecting you to the divine?

All of YOU, is welcome here. Meaning all parts of your being including your shadows are encouraged to surface and feel safe here. It is my greatest aspiration to see you tapping into your innate wisdom and power that lives beneath the trauma you hold in your hips or that painful memory that’s blocking the flow of your vital life force energy. Returning you to a place of your divine birthright, your throne.

“The only way out is in.”

When left unattended, traumas begin to shape the way we experience life and the way we feel in our own skin. One day you can be bold, confident...radiant, then like a silent thief, an insecure lover comes and makes you question your value, inadvertently dimming your light. It doesn’t matter the severity of the trauma, it is stored in our body just the same. This can manifest as numbness, disconnect, even physical pain. These circumstances arrive as medicine. The anecdote to your suffering and the map to your treasure.

She became an alchemist transmuting her pain into power.

To activate our true power, we begin with The Body. We begin loving ourselves for who we are in the now, dismantling any lies that disguise our beauty. We caress ourselves with roses and breathe sacred prayers into our yoni. We allow the music to sway our body like a gust of wind. We feast on the abundance of mother nature allowing her rhythms to sync with ours. We crouch down onto the earth and leave our sacred blood as offerings to The Moon.

“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Are you ready to surrender to your shedding process unraveling the most authentic version of you yet? This is the Serpent Key. The Serpent Way. A path to your evolution and freedom. This is the space where you undress and kiss your wounds, praising the beauty underneath instead of covering them up in illusion.

A Visualization To activate this Medicine:

Begin by allowing yourself to nestle into Shavasana, settling onto your back.

Feel the connection of your body to the surface beneath you, the earth beneath you.

I invite you to close your eyes as you allow yourself to be cradled by the arms of Mother Nature.

Direct any resistance to change by placing the tensity into your feet.

Give your body permission to feel the weight of what you’ve been carrying

And intentionally disperse this energy from your feet, guiding it all the way to your crown.

Tense the muscles in your face as you reach your crown and hold the tensity throughout your body for a count of 3...2...1. Then release.

Repeat this twice more, softening into the earth deeper each time.

Feel the cold dry soil enveloping you, as you slip into the abyss of divine intelligence.

Following the rhythm of your breath, allow your body to slowly dissolve into golden particles floating off into infinite space where all possibilities are available to you.

There is no need to hold onto your thoughts, they will be there when you return. There is no need to dwell on the past, it does not exist.

How do you wish to feel here in this present moment?

Who are you really?

Who are YOU Really?


Focus your attention to the space between your brows as your eyes softly float upwards to your Ajna Chakra, your Third Eye.

Feel this version of you within your body which is now everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

You are everything and nothingness at the same time.

Instantly you are downloaded with all there is to know. You know everything.

You are Oneness.

You are magnetic here.

What are you attracting?

Stay here for a few breaths.

When you’re ready, repeat the affirmations

I have placed my power and life back into my hands. I dance seductively to the beat of my own drum. I stand firmly in my confidence. I am no longer confined to what others think I should be, for I have defined it for myself. I am limitless. I relentlessly remove blockages that were preventing me from living out my divine purpose. I turn my trauma into treasure. I have found my sweet spot and oh is it juicy! I have tapped into the ancient wisdom of the powerful women who came before me and I am a walking embodiment of love, magic, compassion..POWER.

Feel the warmth of your blood flowing through your body. Feel the 72,000 Nadis, the pathways that allow energy to flow through your body like tiny rivers, igniting your chakras along the way.

With each inhale your body feels more electric and alive.

Your toes begin to dance.

Your hips begin to undulate.

Your fingers strum a beautiful tune

As you reorient yourself back to this physical plane.

Rub your hands together to generate the energy of the sun.

When the heat becomes warm to touch,

Place your hands over your eyes.

Slowly open your eyes still covered by your hands.

When you are ready to awake and embody the most authentic version of you,

Open your eyes.

Dusah Wiseman | Serpent Goddess

Dusah Wiseman fell in love with Shamanic practices as a child and it has laid the foundation for her well-being. She has an unquenchable desire for Ancestor veneration and ancient wisdom, leading her to undergo an apprenticeship with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, becoming an Egungun Priestess, receiving her Hand Of IFA, and being initiated into Meditative and Higher energy practices by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Her medicine bag includes an amalgamation of Plant Medicine, Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation (Trained by Adi Shakti’s Soulwork), Qigong, and Somatic Healing. She believes in the art of inner alchemy and facilitates these tools to assist others who are looking to go deep within their shadows to unlock the potent medicine of combining both their light and dark, unmasking their true power and potential. Sitting in ceremony and performing rituals is her favorite way to connect with the Divine.

Returning to your Throne | The Prana Priestess


The Story of Isis