Returning to your Throne | The Prana Priestess

Transmission by Dusah Wiseman

The phase after shedding the skin is a miraculous one. We begin to see what was already present from a renewed state of awe and beauty. The more we let go of what WAS we can re-discover what IS. This is the goal of returning to your Throne, to see yourself in your divine birthright before you accumulated the layers of masks, lies, experiences, titles... all the things that have kept you from connecting with your true nature.

This is the second article in a series of 3 int he Returning to your throne series. If you haven’t already, you can read the first HERE.

When you look in the mirror what do you truly see? Do you step in the role of the observer, the witness, or the judge? It happened once that I was on a plant journey and wanted to seewhat it would be like to witness myself from the eyes of another, separate from me. I stared in the mirror and out from behind me, I jumped out of myself, stuck my tongue out with my thumbs on my temples, fingers wailing like a teasing 6 year old, then jumped back inside myself. The present me was in shock seeing both versions of me at the same time. I witnessed me without it being me.

There are layers of you that are ever present but are happening on a more subtle layer than the body. When you are able to detach from the physical imprint, you begin to dance with a more ethereal realm. So how do we release our attachments to the physical and embody the light within?

We start by honoring our Sacred Yes and our Sacred No. What does your body want at this moment right now? Have you ignored your inner knowing by saying yes to that party when a ritual bath was what you craved? Did you say yes to sex when really you wanted to bask in solitude? The body becomes a predominant force when we are disconnected from it...when we go against our inner compass. The same way your shadows rear their essence when you’ve fought to hide them. The moment you bring the temple back to your body the inner temple can thrive. When you awaken the love affair with self through a sacred lens you drop the attachments to how you “should” appear for the sake of another and you rest comfortably into who you are with a detached “I am who I am” sort of confidence.

“Only in the stillness of detachment can the soul yield up her secrets.”

~Elsa Barker

We become attached to our pain, attached to our suffering, attached to unmatched lovers to remind us of the gift of detachment. It is through detachment that we finally begin to undulate with the dance of life. There is a life force that’s responsible for everything that’s living, the spirit of love, the power behind all manifestations, her name is Prana. The Prana Priestess is one who has mastered the art of transmuting energy, alchemizing her sacred rage into blissful breaths of ecstacy. Breath is life. Breath is Prana. Breath is Power... a true luxury. Through the breath alone we are able to navigate our triggers, transmute our sadness, expand our consciousness, even journey through different realms.

“There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there's another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.”


Check in with yourself and notice the way you are presently breathing. Are you breathing shallow from the chest? Is your mouth open neglecting the filter of your nose? Are you breathing in deeply from the belly expanding the rib cage as you sip in the air through your skin? Everything becomes more sacred if we can just connect our actions with our breath. The breath reminds you that you are separate from the body, that there is a flow of energy working in tandem to connect you to Source.

Once we can provide the space between the breath and the body, we can tap into the language of the soul and our vital flow. One could equate the flow of Prana to that ecstatic feeling that arises when you hear a song the stirs you to your core, and your hands begin to sway to the melodic rhythm, while your hips become entranced by the drums and suddenly you are no longer in control of the dance, the music is dancing you. When was the last time you lost yourself to a sweet symphony? It’s time you allowed yourself to awaken to your Primal Priestess Power. Tapping into this ecstatic state of energy is just the beginning.

You become an alchemist when you learn to not only harness the flow but to transmute it into your divine desires. Taking control of your energy is to take back the steering wheel and drive down the path that feels most scenic to you. You are not a victim of your circumstances. You’re a magician turning pain into gold if you just remember your innate wisdom. You can practice this by taking note of your breath the next time someone’s energy disrupts your character. If you find yourself breathing fast as the heat starts to rise and your thoughts are going a mile a minute, try calming the breath. Slow it down. Take back control. Expel all of the air from your lungs. Breathe in for five 5 seconds. Exhale for five seconds. Continue this rhythm allowing the pause between the inhalation and exhalation to be non-existent. Bring yourself back to a calm euphoria no matter how escalated you feel. This is how to begin to take back your body, your mind, your power, your energy. The body reminds you of your triggers and may respond by fleeting, fighting, freezing or even fawning into submission. This is when you get to put the art of transmutation to the test, becoming the medicine woman to your inner child, the Priestess returning to her throne.

Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we’re either giving ourselves power or taking it away.”

~ Caroline Myss

This path to your throne is an unraveling of sorts. To get you to peel back the layers that make up the whole until all that is left is not the body, not the mind, but pure divine light. A royal place of creation where the highest vibration of existence resides, equipping you with the opportunity to reclaim your power across and beyond space and time. If you’re ready to cut through the maya (illusions) and step into your flow state, then I invite you on a journey to connect with your breath, essentially your spirit.

To activate this medicine :

Dusah Wiseman | Serpent Goddess

Dusah Wiseman fell in love with Shamanic practices as a child and it has laid the foundation for her well-being. She has an unquenchable desire for Ancestor veneration and ancient wisdom, leading her to undergo an apprenticeship with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, becoming an Egungun Priestess, receiving her Hand Of IFA, and being initiated into Meditative and Higher energy practices by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Her medicine bag includes an amalgamation of Plant Medicine, Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation (Trained by Adi Shakti’s Soulwork), Qigong, and Somatic Healing. She believes in the art of inner alchemy and facilitates these tools to assist others who are looking to go deep within their shadows to unlock the potent medicine of combining both their light and dark, unmasking their true power and potential. Sitting in ceremony and performing rituals is her favorite way to connect with the Divine.

The Art of Daily Ritual


Returning to your throne