The Importance of Breast Massage
Offered with Love by Rachelle Poitras
If you’re struggling with breast tenderness, soreness, swelling, cysts, and fibroadenomas, breast massage is a great tool to incorporate into your self care routine. Most of us have complained to our doctors at some point about of our pms symptoms only to be prescribed the pill. This will not only make things worse in the long run but fails to look at the root of the symptom. From an eastern perspective, breast tenderness is indicative of a hormone imbalance and liver congestion. This can be easily corrected instead of being masked with a pill. Breast massage is free and can be done on a daily basis with the addition of some healing balms and oils.
Detoxify toxins and promote lymphatic and blood circulation
Breasts contain very little muscle tissue, which restricts the flow of lymph. When lymph becomes stagnant, toxins are retained and proper nutrition of the breasts is inhibited. Our breasts contain an abundance of lymph vessels, which are responsible for draining toxins from the breast tissue. Important lymph nodes reside under the armpits and upper chest area and are responsible for filtering harmful substances and contain important immune cells which fight off the bad guys.
Breast massage supports flow: energetic, lymphatic, circulatory, etc. Things can’t grow when there’s flow. A lot of pain and imbalances arise due to to stagnation. Engaging in a daily massage practice allows for the breasts to receive proper lymphatic and circulatory nutrition, allows the lymph to help detoxify the breast tissue, promotes milk flow and so on.
Breast massage is also an incredible important preventative practice.
As Nadine Artemis says “ The health of our lymphatic system is intimately connected to our breast health”.
““Over time, massaging the breasts may enhance the elasticity of the ligaments in the chest, providing improved breast support.” ”
Breast Massage Benefits
Supports healthy lymph flow
Increase breast tissue nutrition and oxygenation
Boosts blood circulation
Detoxifies toxins and excess estrogen
Enhance elasticity of the ligaments
Increase breast milk production
Unblock plugged milk glands
Releases stagnant energy like stress, hurt, sorrow, unlovability, unworthiness
Reduces breast tenderness
Allows you to develop a relationship with your breasts and body
Helps you get comfortable and confident with the idea and practice of a breast exam
Promotes self love and trust
The natural rebounding method of the breast is the main method of drainage.
Restrictive clothing, poor posture, tight neck, shoulder and back muscles can also reduce lymphatic flow and drainage.
About 75% of the lymph in breast tissue drains to the axilliary or underarm lymph nodes. Another reason to be mindful of the deodorants we use
Anytime I experience any breast tenderness, I know my hormones are out of balance and my liver is congested, the two go hand in hand. While I do my best to correct this imbalance with diet and exercise, for more immediate relief I use the massage technique outlined in the video below.
Learn how to drain the upper quadrant your breast and the back of your breast. Yes, different parts of your breast drain differently. Struggling with breast tenderness every month? This technique will help get your lymph moving and reduce the soreness and will teach you to massage in a way that mimics lymph flow.
Something I do regularly is put my hands on my breasts and move them in circles - towards the armpit. Right breast counter clockwise and left breast clockwise. Do this for several minutes and notice the change.
Videos to Watch
Here is a great lymphatic breast massage video tutorial by Lisa Gainsley of The Lymphatic Message. Not to be missed!
Guru Jagat and Shiva Rose talk about Kundalini beauty secrets and how to give your breasts a boost (13:55).
Learn about your the breast lymphatic drainage (4:53) Very informative.