The Element of Air

Ayurvedic Wellness by Gemma Celento

The element of Air has a special connection to Prana- Life Force which makes its ethereal nature a bit more dynamic. Prana, commonly mistaken for breath, is the force that animates bodily functions, thoughts, thought processes, and sensory input/output. It is also the directional and enlivening force connecting the dual energies of Shiva (consciousness) and Shakti (energy) through the subtle body to the physical body and vice versa. Prana animates all the elements, but is most likened to the vibrational nature of Air. 

Air’s connection to Prana is through the breath, and breath control. This is the master control to the mind, and how Prana is used through mental processing and faculties.

It is also the bridge from the physical form (anandamaya kosha) to the subtle body which holds thoughts, emotions, karmic desires, and then onto the higher mind. Air is the link to Prana; and Prana is the link to higher consciousness, awakening energy centers (Chakras), and rejuvenation. 

As in all the elements the two rules of Ayurveda apply and should be implemented for knowledge and balancing Air. Read about those in the Fire blog. Air is best understood as direction, it is when energy becomes kinetic-activated. Due to Air’s innate connection with Prana, it works through subtle aspects of the mental/emotional body. The subtle approach will bring balance to many of the other elements within the physical and mental body.

To recap Air is the mover of elements, and the bridge between subtle and physical, Prana enlivens the elements and is the intelligence operating through Air. Air in the sense organs is touch. Think of this as relational. Air is movement, but to touch another creates a relational direction of movement- point A to point B. When touch is received it has a visceral connection to the emotional/mental body. Equally the  qualities of Air are easily revealed within the mental and emotional body. And can be seen within the plant kingdom. 

The first component in working with Air is to witness its current state within the mind.

By observing the mind, the element of Air will draw inward, creating the first point of directing awareness and Prana into self. Inward reflection will reveal the states of the mind, but will also use the Law of Rhythm to stabilize the mind into source. Witness the mental quality as well as the nature of thoughts. Is the mind flighty, forgetful, anxious, restless, or is it peaceful, trusting, optimistic, and creatively inspired? Due to Air’s spaciousness and characteristics of movement it becomes deranged very quickly, which begins in the mind and will be perpetuated within the body and external environment. By drawing the mind inward, moving the direction from outward reaction to inward connection. The point of direction comes into center. This draws the mind into one-pointedness (Dharana). From this state the bridge between the bodies (astral/mental/physical) becomes constant, the Prana is strengthened resulting in spiritualization of the self and external environment.

It is within Air that we tame the mind and begin to command Prana-Life force into higher consciousness and experiences. 

The second aspect of working with Air is through the plant kingdom. It’s levity, lightness, and directional characteristics is seen in leaves; in qualities that communicate and transport/move other elements. Such as Ginkgo Biloba, or in Cleavers. Look at the natural world notice the outward and ephemeral nature of plants, the density and what is occurring. This observation will strengthen how one relates qualities of Air within self and external environment. Seasonally Air predominates in Fall and then combines with water in early winter. Notice the leaves becoming dry, (lighter), the wind, all of the characteristics. Air begins to shift the element of fire (transformation in photosynthesis) and water in suppleness (life nourishing). This prepares for the transit into the ‘death’ or dormant period of winter. Connect the self through times, not just seasonally in the fall and early winter when Air combines to create ‘Vata Season’, but in the times of day.

Air rules 2 AM - 6 AM and also from 2 PM - 6 PM. Air dominants at these times, making digestion more variable, the mind more restless. It is shifting the elements of Fire and Water. But, concentration, inspiration, creative downloads, accessing higher consciousness and intuition is heightened at 2 AM - 6 AM. When the mind is most affected, bringing higher consciousness into the physical realm. 2 PM - 6 PM will shift the physical body into the mental realm again preparing for the dormant period, like winter.

Work with these times and qualities to balance the Air element within self, but also to align with the laws of nature for spiritual practices.  

Characteristics of the Air Element ||

Dry- In skin, drying, rough texture/brittle, in joints, hair/nails, unable to be supple in the mind, easily agitated, clear mind to move clear actions. 

Light- In weight, in effects, inspired, creative, flighty

Mobile- Restless, anxious, insomnia, movement of elements such as water or fire. Mind is agile and able to change, without disruption to peace. Feeling unsettled/ungrounded, reactive

Subtle- Thoughts, effects, impressions on the environment and mind such as subconscious imprinting, soft and receptive. 

Cold- Cool, lack of density and gets cold easily, in skin or in the mind, if ungrounded one can feel cut off, lack of foundation from external (left out in the cold)

Watch this video tutorial with Yogic practices to balance the Air element. Practices will focus on the subtle nature of Air and spiritualization through divine intelligence. These practices aid in stabilizing the mind (dharana) and strengthening the Pranic bridge to higher consciousness and co-creation through Prana Shakti (the energy/power of creative life force).

Gemma Celento

Gemma Celento is a student of the stars and servant to nature. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Vedic Astrologer working with the Nakshatras (lunar mansions). Featured in Yoga Journal, and a student of the Tantric Sri Vidya Lineage, Gemma lives in Florence, Italy. She works to guide people to heal with nature through their stars. Her offerings include spiritually focused courses in alchemy, Ayurveda, and medicine making practices, as well as Ayurvedic/Astrology- cosmobiology consultations.

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