August Full Moon Reading & Ritual || Becoming
This August Full Moon is full of power and will bring forward a resurgence of lifeforce. It is go time my loves, and in the beginning of this month the transition into these new energies and directives could have felt like pressure, or uncertainty. Everyone, collectively felt and received an intuitive push from the soul to step into the new self that has been unfolding this entire year. Here we are. The rise of the Sun. This lunation is overflowing with so much symbology and speaking into higher levels of consciousness. Pay attention to signs, words that stick in your mind, and repeating numbers. Everyone is being called to walk a new path into their greatness.

July Full Moon || Expansion
This Full Moon marks the fulfillment, and nurturance of the ‘I AM’ through a new conscious evolution. At this pinnacle point we have reached a monumental aspect within the collective consciousness….

June Full Moon || Lifting the Veil
Be mindful of the mental veil, what was once hidden can be seen, and what was once a delusion, can no longer bind. The cosmic energies are hindering the ‘thinking mind’ ; this will work to aid in recreating new structures within the material world as it manifests through the mind. It will also enable one to create new perspectives…

April Full Moon || Renewed Energy
It’s go time. The energy enshrouding this lunation is putting action and impulse forward. This moon has heavy Martian influence and those fiery impulses are fanned by North Node, Rahu. This is going to bring lifeforce, directive, and power into your higher desires and inner pursuits.