Sacred Vessel | May ‘23 New Moon Ritual
Honoring the New Moon in Taurus | May 2023
by Rachel Rossitto and Baelyn Elspeth
This month the New Moon is in Taurus, a Venusian Earth sign that invites us to slow down, rest, nourish our roots & foundation, fortify our inner structures and enjoy simple pleasures; like the crisp of an apple inside your mouth or the scent of a newly blossomed flower. These moments remind us of the gift of having a body and the beauty of being alive.
The New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. It’s a time to go inward, reflect on the previous cycle and remember that it’s just as important to rest and reflect as it is to do and create. It’s these moments of pause that allow us to align deeply with our intentions and skillfully bring our inner world manifest to our outer world.
Most recently, we transitioned from the fiery sign of Aries into the Earth sign of Taurus. Aries is a masculine sign that inspires action, doing, moving and accomplishing tasks. Whereas Taurus is more feminine and teaches us about inner stability, the beauty of being, the joy of honoring our body as a temple, accepting what is and flowing with life.
Taurus reminds us of the abundance we already have, and by regularly acknowledging and appreciating it, we actually grow more of it. This is a time of relaxation, recognizing our self-worth, practicing presence, pleasure and cultivating home within. What does home feel like inside your body? How could your home feel more like a sanctuary?
As we reflect on our stability, foundation and roots, we can work with the energy of this New Moon to reestablish a daily routine that gives our busy lives consistency and strength. This can look like deepening your self-care practice or tending to your finances and resources. Inquiry: What daily practice will allow me to feel more grounded? Where am I leaking energy? Where can I tighten my ship? Where can I clean up old patterns and habits that aren’t serving me right now?
Taurus, ruled by Venus the goddess of love and relationships, also encourages us to reflect on our relations; romantic, business and family, and water them with love and care. Ask yourself: Where am I out of alignment in my relationships? Am I feeding unhealthy patterns? Are there any important conversations that need to be had that would bring clarity / healing?
If you’re currently feeling challenged and navigating any big changes that were stirred up by the last few Eclipses, now is the perfect time to integrate and digest these changes through stabilizing your energy and aligning with the nourishing medicine of this New Moon to bring more balance. Feel your roots dig deep into the earth like a big oak tree. Allow yourself to be comforted by your bed, a delicious meal or a hug from a gentle friend. Call your energy back to you, root in practice as you come back to your center, your home, your hearth, your heart.
We hope this ceremony & ritual will support you:
Honoring the Sacred Vessel Ritual
Through honoring my body as a sacred vessel, I honor the Earth.
Find a quite place with space to lay comfortably after the ritual. This can also be done outside in safe place on the earth. Start by quieting down and sitting comfortably in an upright position. Close your eyes softly, feel the ground beneath you and take 3 deep long breaths…
Breathing in, I gather myself into this moment.
Breathing out, I anchor myself sending my roots into the ground below.
Feel free to place your hands at your side with your palms or fingers tips touching the ground. Allow your breath to come into a natural soft rhythm. Sit for a few moments in silence, gently tracking your breath, the rise and fall of your chest and recognizing any sensations that might be present in your body at this moment. If you feel places with extra tension take a few more moments to send some breath and relaxation to those places.
When you are ready you can open you eyes and begin.
Please feel free to say out aloud…
“Through honoring my body as a sacred vessel, I honor the Earth”
Using your hands, an anointing oil, water, or a flower
Gently place your hands or tool of your choice on each body part, please begin and speak these words or any other words you feel called to add…
“I honor my eyes ~
Thank you mother for the gift of vision. May I see clearly the beauty of your creation.”
“I honor my ears ~
Thank you mother for the gift of sound. May I listen closely and hear the beauty of your song.”
“I honor my nose ~
Thank you mother for the gift of breath. May I smell the sweetness of your fragrances carried on the winds.
“I honor my mouth and my throat ~
Thank you mother for the gift of speech. May I speak words of kindness and love to all of your children.”
“I honor my arms and my hands ~
Thank you mother for allowing me to touch. May my hands do good deeds and weave beauty into the world.”
“I honor my heart ~
Thank you mother for gifting me life. May the rivers of my blood run bright and clear, healing the lines of my ancestors. May I honor my feelings,
allowing my emotions flow without causing suffering to others.”
“I honor my womb ~
Thank you mother for gifting me the ability to create. May my creations align in harmony with all of life and may beauty blossom in and around me.”
“I honor my hips and my sex ~
Thank you mother for gifting me pleasure. May I feel your ecstasy pulsing through me and may I be overflowing with your abundant generosity.”
“I honor my legs ~
Thank you mother for the gift of movement. May I dance through life feeling vital and strong.”
“I honor my feet ~
Thank you mother for allowing me to walk. May each step I take on this path be in service to the Divine.”
“I honor my third eye ~
Thank you mother for insight and guidance. May this eye open and the unseen come into clarity and focus.”
“I honor my crown ~
Thank you mother for connecting me to the heavens. May my will be aligned with the will of the Divine and my life be in service to the highest good and the good of all beings.”
Pause ~ taking a few deep breaths.
Feel into any more places that need your attention and speak any more words of adoration to your beautiful vessel. Hug yourself ~ thank yourself. Thanking the mother for the gift and miracle that is this life. When you are ready please lay down, basking in this devotion for as long as you would like. You are welcome to journal afterward sharing any reflections with yourself that arose during the ritual.
Blessed Be
Baelyn Elspeth adorned in the Serpent Amulet Necklace.