The Potency of Presence | Luminous Liquid Light

Written by Koa Kalish

My work in Craniosacral Biodynamics includes and is informed by the bioenergetic blueprints of our embryological development. One of the most fascinating moments of our journey of incarnation is at the fourteenth day after conception.

At day fourteen, held within the dark watery depths of the womb, in the center of the embryo, a streak of light emerges.

This streak of light continues to grow into our very own spinal cord. Our spinal cord lives inside our vertebral column, held vertically between the cranium (skull), and the sacrum (tailbone). This chord houses our cerebrospinal fluid, “the most potent intelligence in the body”. Our cerebrospinal fluid is “more fluid than a fluid” and nothing less than liquid light. Our body creates new fluid multiple times a day, as it courses through our core, nourishing our nerves and washing through our brain.

We call this streak of light the Midline since embryologically, it was the center orientation point for all of our growth, and still is today. The midline is older than the thoughts in your brain and the beat of your heart. It can be profoundly stabilizing to spend time meditating with the awareness of our midline, seeing our central channel illuminated in this way. It is also beautiful to visualize our midline energetically rooting down into the center of the earth and rising upwards through the crown towards the heart of the cosmos. Our midline holds us steady in our center, while connecting us with everything in the universe.

Midline Meditation

In a comfortable seated position, I invite you to take three deep breaths. Allow yourself to ground in your sit-bones, while also allowing your spine to gently rise upward. Allow your bones to float in the fluids that surround them.

Now, imagine a gentle light emanating from the center of your brain. Just behind the third eye there is a small open space called the third ventricle. This is where cerebrospinal fluid is created. With eyes closed, receive this gentle light in the center of your cranium, and allow it to wash through all parts of your brain.

When you are ready, allow this gentle light of awareness to drop down through your brain stem and spinal cord, washing each segment of your spine. You will pass every region of every organ, until you land in the sacrum, or the tailbone.

Visualize this line of light connecting the base and top of your spine, fluid moving freely in both directions. This is your center, this is your midline. It is here, always, holding you steady

Rest here, in your midline.

Jewelry to Illuminate the Spirit

Koa Kalish

Koa Kalish is a healing practitioner, artist, and educator inspired by the beauty and resilience of the human spirit and the natural world. She is devoted to assisting the heart of humanity in the process of great transformation. Her work is dedicated to love and liberation through our individual and collective homecoming.

”Our clearest seeing is through the Eye of the Heart, whose radiance offers us true protection and eternal wisdom.”

Seeing with The Eye of the Heart


The Potency of Presence | A Homecoming