Reborn Through Tantra

An interview with Rachel Pringle

We love Rachel, an iconic femme leader, who inspires, empowers and expands people around the world. Rachel helps guide you to your deepest purpose and authentic expression through a foundation of Tantra. We were honored to interview her to share some of her wisdom here today.

Enjoy an incredible discount on her upcoming course, shared in the interview.

1. You are such a bright light and we have loved watching you come into the spotlight more and more over the past couple of years. Tell us, what led you into this path of feminine empowerment & relationship coaching?

Thank you so much for saying this, it means the world for me to hear. I started my journey with spirituality at a very young age. I had been exploring the healing arts, psychology and was coaching and holding space for my friends since my teenage years, really coming to understand that words create our reality and what we believe about ourselves becomes true in our reality.

In my early 20s I shut down my feminine energy due to immense shame that I was carrying around my sexuality as a byproduct of unhealthy connections with men and irresponsible use of my sexual energy.

I turned to the “light” and shut off my sexuality deeming it bad and dangerous around 21 yrs old, which I think a lot of women can relate to. It wasn't until meeting my now husband Johann at 26, that I started getting in touch with my feminine energy in a real way. He encouraged and supported me in exploring my “darkness” through primarily breath, meditation, sex and dance. This is what led me to creating The Wild Woman experience in 2013 with my best friend Moun. This was my attempt to teach what I most needed to learn. I knew that if I felt this way then others must too. It was about creating a safe and sacred space for us to feel and move through the depth of our emotions, especially rage, anger and sadness, which is intrinsically connected to our sensuality and sexuality. It was one of the most powerful times of my life and transformed my relationship to myself and the feminine. Relationship coaching manifested in a very similar way as well.

After a period of traversing pain, betrayal, infidelity on both sides and not being fully transparent right after we got engaged we held each other through a massive awakening, birthing ourselves anew, like a phoenix rising and into a brand new relationship 4 years in.

I again realized this wasn't an “us” issue but a universal issue that arises in almost every romantic relationship. We held impeccable space for each other as well as had our closest friends hold us through what felt at times like irreparable ruptures and afterwards we knew we wanted to support other couples to do the same. This moment in time, although devastating, was the rich foundation for our love that continues to flourish almost 11 years in. We have quite literally been through some of the darkest times and the harshest truths and have seen what happens when we are held through that and love supporting couples to actualize the relationship they’ve always dreamt of.

2. A lot of people associate tantra with sex. Would you agree with that? Can you share what “Tantra” means to you? How does it hold a foundation in your life?

This is a very common misconception. Similarly, like an asana practice is only one aspect of yoga. Sex is one tiny part of Tantra. Sex is a consequence of Tantra as a whole. To me Tantra is about making love to the moment. Jamie Wheel said it beautifully, “Tantra is taking all of the raw material that arises and using it for our ultimate transformation.” It’s about becoming a living, breathing alchemist who can use every moment to create beauty and expansion. Johann and I call our work The Tantra of Life and it is exactly that, my whole entire life. Noticing a flower blooming or a tree decaying, being able to navigate through a rupture with grace, taking a seemingly devastating moment and allowing it to be the turning point of our entire life.

It makes every moment in life meaningful and valid because it is part of the masterpiece of the totality of our life.

It takes us away from black and white and thrusts us into the prismatic divinity of all that is. Tantra is devotion to the mysteries of life and making art out of what arises, no matter how fucked up or beautiful it is.

3. How do you think one's sensuality and purpose are connected?

I believe that sensuality is one of our deepest connections to the moment. When our senses are turned on and we feel alive we become truly present with the moment. It is when we sense things fully that we are truly awake to the majesty that is all around. So therefore when we are sensually awake our purpose is a byproduct of that. We create space, empty the mind, get in touch with the body - which is always present and then become available for the universe to speak to us and through us. It gets us in touch with what truly lights us up because we can actually viscerally feel it lighting us up.

4. How has your own relationship led you into work in relationship coaching? Why do you find this work so important for couples in long term relationships?

My relationship is the dojo for all of life. Both Johann and I are incredibly devoted and were deep in the work before we met. Once meeting and committing to the practice together, we were thrust head first into all of our shadows and the work we had done prior gave us the space and tools to work through, healing our childhood and teenage selves, together. We are both ⅗’s in human design so our natural way of being is to try, try, try - find what works for us and then share it with the world. We are natural givers and get immense joy out of serving and supporting people as we deeply believe we are not meant to do this alone. We have found that although the universe is so amazing and majestic in its creations she is also a repeat offender, lol. So the same issues tend to appear with every couple we work with.

It's so imperative to work with people who have gone through what you’ve gone through and have come out the other end stronger, to show you what is absolutely possible.

To be the living embodiment of better and better versus buying into the belief that a marriage gets stale or after the honeymoon phase it's all over. We are over a decade in and our love is so potent and profound, our sex better than ever and we want and believe others get to have this, too. It's not about being special, we have tools and skills that we practice daily that simply work.

Being held in a safe, non judgmental container, where we can really express ourselves and be expertly and lovingly guided back to connection is life changing.

We would not have made it 4 years in if we didn't have that kind of support. So many of us try to do it on our own and end up in an echo chamber thinking we are wrong or our partner is wrong when in fact we just need support seeing a new door where everything becomes possible and true healing can happen.

5. Can you tell us more about Communication Alchemy?

This is one of the pillars in our foundational work. We like to call it Co-Devotional Communication or can be known as conscious communication. It's our ability to alchemize a moment through our communication skills, including tonality, cadence of voice and body language. Becoming a master of energy so that we are able to communicate to anyone in a way that they can actually hear you. It’s is an amalgamation of many different styles we have studied in the past combined together in a way that from our perspective allows you to speak to anything with love and kindness, giving us the ability to be radically honest moment to moment and create consist harmony as well as be able to traverse contraction when it inevitably shows up. This is our way of life and it has radically transformed our love.

6. As a woman, what is it that makes you feel the most alive, embodied and connected with yourself? When do you feel the most empowered?

When I am most connected to my body and spirit I am most alive. My body is always the gateway to true connection. When I am sensually turned on and feeling the living pulse of aliveness moving through me. This can look different daily but always includes Pyramid Breath, mediation, movement and stillness.

Getting into the body has always been the gateway for me. To feel my breath, to feel my body, to let go of the busy mind and experience the moment.

I also feel most connected and empowered when I am teaching and serving others. Which includes all of the above, taking myself out of the way and letting the divine move through me. Letting myself be surprised by the moment is always a sign that I'm in flow. I also love the feeling of connection when I am cooking, writing poetry, making love, swimming and reading which is all about slowing down.

7. What are your three go-to practices to curve moments of self doubt and help you boost confidence as a coach and teacher?

Pyramid Breath, which is the breath modality that my husband created is a HUGE reset. It always takes me out of my mind and right into my body. Dancing always reconnects me to flow, doing movements that are out of the ordinary that gets me out of automation and into presence and mirror work as well.

Looking deeply in my own eyes and reminding myself of who I really am. 10 mins of this and I am ready to go.

A favorite mantra I always use before teaching or coaching is “May Rachel step out of the way so the universe/divine can move and work through me.” Trusting something bigger than me is here supporting me makes me feel so calm, like I don't have to do this on my own, I am supported by unseen forces.

8. What are your favorite Catori Life pieces & why?

I LIVE for the ankh earrings, I wear them almost every day. They are the piece that brings every outfit together. I also love the ankh necklace, which almost all my girlfriends have too. Its priestess adornment no doubt. I have an ankh tattooed on my shoulder so it reminds me of my eternal connection to all of life. I'm also obsessed with the Hoku earrings when I wear my hair up, and the La Mer hoops because I'm from Miami and I am a hoop girl through and through. I also can't live without Rustic bangles, they always make me feel like a goddess.

9. We know you have some beautiful offerings coming up soon, can you please share with our followers about your upcoming retreats, events and courses? And where people can follow you?

My next women's retreat - Wild Mystery is August 22-27 just outside of Barcelona at the most beautiful estate. Our 2nd Pyramid Breath Teacher Training starts this summer and we are teaching at MindValley University and many other festivals all over Europe this summer. We currently have a waitlist for our intimate coaching containers that you can find links to all applications in my Instagram Profile @positivepringle and my website where you can read more about me. Come find me!

If you are desiring to go deeper and explore the pillars of relationship and intimacy, learning the language of love, we are giving a special offer to the Catori Family for 50% off of our foundational course Tantra of Life, this is for singles, couples and anyone looking to deepen their awareness in love and partnership.

Holly Coco Benveniste

Holly is the dreamer, designer and founder of Catori Life. She is an artist, visual story teller and poet committed to sharing and experiencing beauty.


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