Illumination through Plant Intelligence

Herbs For Eclipses

Offered with love by Gemma Celento

Plant Medicine for the Eclipses

Plants are one of the purest forms of divine intelligence and carry the purest energetic imprint of elemental energy. Each plant has its own unique signature, drawing down its connection and imprint from the astral realm. This connection is the law of correspondence, as above so below, as within so without. The use of specific plants will aid in opening up these energetic connections within self and in understanding one’s own interpersonal correspondence through the astral realm. The period between the summer and winter eclipse is especially potent in understanding the inner being, or commonly known as the ‘sun self’. Because plants are connected within the same universal intelligence, lacking ego mind (as humans) they are a direct link of divine consciousness and aid in aligning the ego-self back to its innate intelligence. The use of specific planets during the beginning and ending of the eclipses will work with the solar season and the plant’s intelligence to understand the soul self- The inner Sun.

There are a few plants I’ve included to work with for eclipse season. Now that the first 2 eclipses of 2021 have passed we are collectively steeped into their energy. Let’s understand how these plants will unfold the eclipses. Eclipses are tied to the lunar nodes, and symbolically indicate illusions. The realm of illusions is Maya, the veil between the worlds or the levels of the conscious mind that create our views of separateness. This is how the veil creates ‘I’ ego-self, time, space reality and levels of energetic resonance. Eclipses will thin the veil so one can shift their mental associations, perspectives, and to aid in shifting consciousness.

Vedically, eclipses are seen as inauspicious times because the veil is so thin. It is said that eclipses can allow other forces to penetrate… although, from deeper Tantric studies and Hermetic principles, we understand that piercing the veil of ignorance and separation is one of our key aims…

We use cosmic forces with discernment and as the key to understand what lies behind the unseen and within the self. These energies can be used to unite with eternal consciousness and understand the eternal self through day to day life. When the veil of illusion (Maya) is thinned and we move into the solar season, we can use these plants to see through the material world and magnify the inner self. The soul self becomes illuminated by harnessing plant intelligence, we access deeper realms of the inner mind through the universal mind. 

These plants  will work the energetic values of what the eclipses offer, and what the nodes (Ketu and Rahu) provide. The nodes are key components in Eclipses and in understanding the internal self. They are beyond space and time, commanding previous abilities from past lives. And discovering true self through desires to unveil divine plan. The nodes are the keys to understanding the immortal self and divine plan within the current lifetime, and are instrumental aspects in working with plants during eclipses to access a different states of consciousness. Acting as an intermediary they connect the mind to higher realms of consciousness, the space between the ego mind and the mind of THE ALL. The creative component of the divine mind expressing itself through the individual (jiva). 

The herbs will work to access the subtle layers of the subconscious mind influenced by the nodes. Vibrations within the ethereal mind hold hidden aspects of desires, latent abilities and even the beliefs held that can limit the fullness of an individual and their divine rights. 

The herbs work best through the spiritual aspects of the individual self. They will work through universal intelligence and the unique plant signature. In working with plant medicine the virtue of the mind is of the utmost importance. One must be open to freeing the body of ethereal influences and lingering thoughts which may inhibit the effects of the plant energy. The personal mental and emotional state is as important as the intention. When applying intention, settle into a state surrender. This will aid in moving the ego-mind to the side and allowing the higher mind within the self and herbs to move to the forefront. 

Because each individual is unique and each plant is also unique, it will activate differently for each being. However, the overall effects based on the unique signatures of the plants listed below will create an opening into one’s own energetic signature. As the Law of Correspondence shows that each point of coorelation will apply the effects through one’s one cosmic pattern. If you need to understand your own unique lunar pattern, you can book a session with me directly. 

Disclaimer: Herbal plants have contraindications and have physical and mental effects. These can differ for each person. The herbs listed in this article are intended for spiritual purposes and not as a ‘cure’ or ‘medicine’ for any current condition. Please consult your doctor before taking herbs.

Herbs for Eclipses

Gingko Biloba || An Eastern Shamanic plant, and one of the oldest unchanged tree spices of this earth. The plant works beyond strengthening the mind. This herb will strengthen spiritual communication of divine intelligence within the mind, strengthening the lines of communication and the realms within the thinking and intuitive mind. This will enable one to carry previous life abilities with more discernment on application, and aid in tapping into the higher mind in day to day aspects of life. It is a carrier of messages from the mind of the heart, the place where the inner being commands. It enables the mind to cross realms while being rooted in earth. 

Preparation | Gingko can be easily used in the following ways ||

  • 1 Tablespoon of dried leaves in 1 cup of distilled water-lid on - 1-3 cups daily

  • 3 droppers full of tincture in 3 cups of water. 

Bay Laurel || A sacred plant to Apollo, and priests, it unites intelligence with higher mind and an understanding of divine plan. In this it supports prophecy, aids in intuition- Buddhi, and works to raise one’s mind out of a grosser level of self involvement to see the bigger picture. This herb transcends the time aspect of the 3D mind. It can be burned before any practice that supports intuition or tapping into a higher mission. 

Preparation | Bay Laurel can be easily used in the following ways ||

  • whole plant burning on incense

  • 3 leaves boiled in 1 cup of distilled water-lid on. 1-2 cups

  • 3 droppers full of tincture in 3 cups of water. 

Cypress || The tree living up to 1,000 years old is deeply ingrained in mythology and symbolic indications in the Bible. This tree is sacred in connecting the worlds, the cycle of rebirth and how higher wisdom is led through the earthly manifestations of actions. It is a protective courier of the mind through the realms of consciousness and is very innately connected to the nodes. It aids in guidance and will work to keep the self inline as the mind crosses through gates to understand, achieve, and embark on new manifestations though divine plan or accessing higher aspects of self that lay hidden in the deeper realms of the subconscious mind. 

Preparation | Cypress leaves or oil can be easily used in the following ways ||

  • whole plant burning on incense

  • 3 leaves boiled in 1 cup of distilled water-lid on. 1-2 cups.

  • 3 droppers full of tincture in 3 cups of water.

Gemma Celento

Gemma Celento is a student of the stars and servant to nature. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Vedic Astrologer working with the Nakshatras (lunar mansions). Featured in Yoga Journal, and a student of the Tantric Sri Vidya Lineage, Gemma lives in Florence, Italy. She works to guide people to heal with nature through their stars. Her offerings include spiritually focused courses in alchemy, Ayurveda, and medicine making practices, as well as Ayurvedic/Astrology- cosmobiology consultations.

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