New Moon in Scorpio

Ceremony Held November 13, 2023

by Rachel Rossitto and Baelyn Elspeth 

In the times of our ancestors, ceremonies were a part of daily life. They communed with nature and the sacred out of necessity, learning year after year… Tracking the moons, listening to the plants and gazing at the stars.  In our modern day life, we often forget. We forget everyday, ourselves and our connection to nature and all things. So we gather together, in community to remember. To mark the cycles, the seasons and the moons. Ceremony helps us, not only remember, but to move through the transitions of life with awareness and grace. And, to remember we are not alone.

We gather monthly on the New Moon to harness the energy and potency of the dark night sky. It’s a time to go inward, reflect on the previous cycle and remember that it’s just as important to rest as it is to do and create. It’s these moments of pause that allow us to align deeply with our intentions and skillfully bring our inner world manifest to our outer world.

This month we find ourselves diving into the watery depths of Scorpio. As we move toward a more quiet time of year, the energy of Scorpio asks us to turn inward. What are the forgotten places inside of us asking for attention that exist in the depths below the surface?

How can we befriend our shadow, inviting it to be an ally in our life?

What seeds are we planting into the deeper rich earth that will lie dormant over winter and  blossom in springtime?

What are we being asked to let go of? 

What inside me is dying, giving room for new life to be born?

As we swim in these depths exploring the mysteries, it is good to remember to face our eyes upward, seeing the light that is shining down from the cosmos. It is also good to remember that as we are excavating the darker caverns, though it can be uncomfortable, it is there that we often find our greatest treasures. 


Please feel free to bring:

  • Flowers ~ reds shades ~ roses or white lilies 

  • Sacred smoke or incense for energy clearing 

  • A bowl of water (if you have a dark colored bowl for the water)

  • A candle

  • Your journal 

  • A sweet offering of seasonal fruit or honey for our sacrament 

  • A meditation cushion or a comfortable seat

  • Anything that represents your relationship to the element of water 

November New Moon

Rachel Rossitto & Baelyn Elspeth

Rachel and Baelyn have been walking together for almost a decade sharing a love for practice, Tea, Spirit, and the Sacred Feminine studies. They have traversed the world together in ceremony and ritual, visiting powerful sacred sites and deepening in their learnings and devotion to their work and communities. They are aligned in the Temple ways of ritual and tending space, creating environments to promote health and wholeness for those that follow their work.


Sagittarius Energy Update


Full Moon Ritual | October 2023